Sea Trout Fishing on River Ewe and Loch Maree
O. S. Map 19
River Ewe system, including Loch Maree from which the river flows on
its short course to the sea, was, not so long ago, the jewel in the
crown of Scottish Sea Trout fishing, renowned worldwide for the
quality of the fishing, on both loch and river. Sadly, since the
arrival of the salmon farms, sea trout catches have
declined dramatically in the past twenty years and the jewel has
lost much of its lustre.
Over 100 salmon can be taken from
the river, little over a mile long, in a season, with the best of the
salmon fishing likely to be from June to September. Sea trout are still taken but the
catches, both in terms of numbers and size, are a mere fraction of those
of twenty years ago.
The salmon and sea trout fishing on the river Ewe is
owned by Inveran Estate, and let, usually with accommodation, to weekly
tenants throughout the season, with four rods fishing. The best of the
fishing, in July, is well booked in advance but occasional rods may be
available at a cost of up to around £1000 per rod per week, depending on
time of year.

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