Salmon Fishing - River Nairn Scotland
O. S. Map 27
The River Nairn is a productive
salmon and sea trout river, although the sea trout fishing is not
perhaps what it once was. Spring runs have declined but a few are
still caught as early as March or April. July can see excellent
catches of sea trout and can also be a good salmon month,
given rain, with the summer run continuing into August and
Something in excess of 500 salmon
can be expected in a season. The sea trout fishing can be good, with
fish entering the river from May onwards, although recent seasons have
seen a decline in sea trout numbers. For much of its thirty five
mile length, the narrow River Nairn is characterised by deep tree lined
pools, excellent holding pools easily covered by a ten foot single
The lower nine miles of the river
are controlled by the
Nairn Angling Association, for which local members
now pay an annual subscription of £135 and "outwith" members (members
living outwith the Nairn area) £195, with a £15 joining fee for new
The Association beats are also available
to the visitor on a daily or weekly ticket. Visitors' day
permits will now cost £35, weekly tickets £135. Contact P
Fraser, TV & Radio, 41 High Street, Nairn.
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River Nairn Photos