Where to Fish for Sea Trout in
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Salmon Fishing Scotland
Salmon - Where to Fish
Salmon Fishing Tackle
Salmon Fishing Tactics
Salmon Flies
Trout Fishing Scotland
Trout- Where to Fish
Trout Fishing Tackle
Trout Fishing Tactics
Trout Flies
Sea Trout Fishing Scotland
Sea Trout - Where to Fish
Sea Trout Tackle
Sea Trout Tactics
Sea Trout Flies
Fishing Maps of Scotland
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Fly Tying
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Book of Flies
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Flies Online
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of
Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes
Maps and Information on the
sea trout
lochs and rivers of Scotland
where are we to fish for sea trout in Scotland?
trout fishing might be had in most parts of Scotland. Most salmon
rivers have a run of sea trout. Indeed, most rivers which hold brown
trout will see some of them migrating to sea as sea trout, except where the upstream passage of migratory fish is barred by impassable
obstacles. In many salmon rivers, the sea trout, although present in
good numbers, often play second fiddle to the salmon - as in the Spey
and Dee, which are among the top sea trout rivers in Scotland. In
others, the sea trout fishing can, at least in the summer months, be the
main attraction, as in the South Esk, Earn, Border Esk, Nith, Annan and,
until the recent sad decline in sea trout stocks in the north west
highlands, Lochs Maree, Stack and More, Sheil and Eilt with their
associated rivers Ewe, Laxford, Sheil and Ailort. Mention must also be
made of the sea trout fishing possibilities in the Scottish islands - in
the lochs, rivers and estuaries of the Western Isles, in the voes of
Shetland and around the Orkney coast. So where to fish, with so many sea
trout fishing possibilities in Scotland?

Select an area by clicking
on the map above
The detailed maps on this website have been
reproduced with the permission of Collins Bartholomew. In addition to
the information provided here, I would recommend that anyone planning a
fishing or walking trip in Scotland should equip themselves with a
compass and the appropriate Ordnance Survey map. The most useful of the
O.S. maps for the fisherman is the Landranger series, scale 1:50,000. For each of the lochs and rivers listed here, I
have given the relevant O.S. Map number. For a
comprehensive guide to fishing on the lochs and rivers of
Scotland, I would recommend that you invest in a copy of
Bruce Sandison's excellent book:
Rivers & Lochs of Scotland: The Angler's Complete Guide 2013/14
Where to Fish for
Scottish Sea Trout
At one time a Mecca for the
sea trout fisherman, the sea trout fishing in the north west highlands
is not what it once was. Since the nineteen eighties, the continued
growth of the salmon farming industry has coincided with the dramatic
loss of sea trout stocks (see
sea trout tactics ) but those once great sea trout fisheries, such
as Loch Maree, Loch Stack and Loch Sheil, still hold great appeal and it
is to be hoped that the fabulous sea trout fishing they once provided
might one day be restored to its former glory......
for information on the sea trout fishing in the north of Scotland, click
Central Scotland is blessed
with a number of excellent sea trout rivers, most of them flowing
eastwards into the North Sea. Beginning in the north we have the river
Ness, Nairn, Findhorn, Lossie, Spey, Deveron, Ugie, Ythan, Don, Dee,
South Esk, Earn, Allan and Teith - all have runs of sea trout and can
provide exciting summer sport. In the west we have the Loch Lomond
system, including the rivers Leven and Endrick and the River Eachaig on
the Cowal peninsula......
for information on the sea trout fishing in central Scotland, click
Some of the most productive
Scottish sea trout rivers lie in the south, draining into the Solway
Firth. The Border Esk, Annan and Nith in particular can provide some
great sea trout fishing through the summer months, with the added bonus
of good runs of autumn salmon......
for information on the sea trout fishing in the south of Scotland, click
Finally, there is great
variety of sea trout fishing on the Scottish Islands. Most of the larger
island rivers have a run of sea trout. The rivers of Skye and Mull are
worth a look. Worthy of special mention are the lochs, rivers and
estuaries of Lewis, Harris, North and South Uist, while sea trout are to
be found in the tidal waters of Shetland and Orkney......
for information on the sea trout fishing on the Scottish islands, click
How is one to choose?
For some help in that difficult
choice of where to fish, see the
links and map above for more information on the sea trout rivers and lochs of
See Also
Hugh Falkus Sea Trout Pools on the Cumbrian Esk
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