Site Contents
Salmon Fishing Scotland
Salmon - Where to Fish
Salmon Fishing Tackle
Salmon Fishing Tactics
Salmon Flies
Trout Fishing Scotland
Trout- Where to Fish
Trout Fishing Tackle
Trout Fishing Tactics
Trout Flies
Sea Trout Fishing Scotland
Sea Trout - Where to Fish
Sea Trout Tackle
Sea Trout Tactics
Sea Trout Flies
Fishing Maps of Scotland
Fishing Articles
Fly Tying
Fishing Photographs
Book of Flies
Fishing Diary
Where to Stay
Fishing Clubs
Fishing Tackle Shops
Fly Fishing Knots
Fishing Weather
Fishing Books
Salmon Recipes
Flies Online
Brief Guide to
Trout Fishing Tactics
As in salmon fishing, the successful trout fisher,
whether on loch or river, will need to adapt his fishing tactics to suit the
season. For the first month of the season, beginning here in Scotland on
15th March, he can expect the
fly fishing to be difficult, with high river
levels and cold loch temperatures, particularly at the higher altitudes.
Fly hatches will be few and far between and the brown trout will be lying
deep down. Any surface activity, by both insects and fish, is likely to be
concentrated in the warmest hours of the day, most likely in the early
afternoon, when the fly fisherman will have his best chance of a fish. As
the season progresses, from April into May and May to June, the picture
changes and, with the rise in air and water temperatures, a trout may be
expected at any time of the day in anything but the most inclement
conditions. The high Scottish hill lochs will now be fishable and the rivers will
be buzzing with invertebrate activity, the trout taking full advantage of
the now abundant food supply to regain weight and strength after their
spawning exertions of last winter. The daytime trout fishing will be good
now through most of the summer, with perhaps a bit of a lull in August, when
the high summer sun might see the trout seeking the cooler depths during
the day, and most likely to fall to a fisherman's fly from late evening to
early morning. The cooler conditions of September may bring a brief
revival of activity before the close of the Scottish brown trout season on 6th
Loch Trout Fishing Tactics
When we think of
Scottish trout fishing, our thoughts turn first to the lochs, where we
might fish, "loch style", from a drifting boat, casting a team of wet
flies on a short line to eager wild brown trout on an equally wild
highland loch set amid heather clad mountains, or working our way along
a loch shore, miles from anywhere, casting here and there, with only the
curlews, oyster catchers and maybe the occasional osprey for company.
Given a good wind and a bit of cloud, we might fill a basket with
bright, breakfast brownies or, more likely, delight in returning them to
the loch, with no more than a brace or two of the better fish kept for
the table. The fishing need not be demanding, nor the method
complicated. A limber rod of ten
feet or so, its name and maker long forgotten, a double tapered floating
line, and a cast of three
loch flies, selected from an old and battered
box of famous patterns........ Greenwell's Glory, Butcher, Mallard and
Claret, Zulu, Cinnamon and Gold, Black Pennell, Red Palmer, Invicta, Grouse and Green,
Peter Ross, Woodcock and Yellow, Blae and Black..... no need to fret over
your choice, they will all catch Scottish troot. Mind you, we all have our
River Trout Fishing Tactics
But we should not allow the loch fishing, despite
its matchless quality, to completely overshadow our river trout fishing
here in Scotland. In rivers like the Don, Tay, Tweed and Clyde, we have river
brown trout fishing to match any in the world. But river
trout fishing may be regarded in some ways as slightly more challenging
than loch fishing, a bit less straightforward, demanding more of the
fisherman in terms of approach, care and effort. Of course, river
fishing can be as relaxing or as challenging as we care to make it but,
for consistent success, the fly fisher on the river may need a more
flexible approach, adapting to the subtly changing conditions of the
day, hour or minute. A simple, leisurely down-and-across wet fly,
perhaps a Greenwell's Glory or Silver Butcher, may at times meet with
success. At others, the trout might accept nothing less than a close copy of a
favourite meal, maybe a size 12 March
Brown or a size 14 large dark olive, a finely dressed
dry fly cast on to its nose with delicate
precision. On some days it will be the master of
the nymph who scores,
while on others the best trout may be attracted by a cast of sparsely
dressed spiders, cast gently upstream and allowed to drift down over a
likely lie. For the accomplished fly fisher who is prepared to make the
effort, Scotland offers some of the best river fly fishing in the world.
