The Needle Tube Fly Wins International Acclaim
Grays Needle Tubes, developed and manufactured in Scotland by Grays of Kilsyth, are made from fine stainless steel tubing, as used in the manufacture of medical hypodermic needles. With outside diameters as small as 1.5 mm, they are the slimmest plastic lined metal tubes currently available commercially for the fly tyer.

First introduced for the 2008 fishing season, these ultra slim stainless steel fly tubes have made something of an impact worldwide, recording many notable successes – Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon, steelhead and sea trout …..
Atlantic Salmon on the Needle Tube Fly
Spectacular Sport in Norway
Since their introduction in 2008, Grays Needle Tubes have proved extremely effective for Atlantic salmon. This 10.5 kilo fish, pictured below, was one of a number taken in late June 2009 by Geir Kjensmo from the River Orkla in Norway. All fish were taken on one of Geir’s Needle Tube Salmon Spiders, which he wrote about in the April Issue (2009) of Trout & Salmon magazine. See Geir’s Trout & Salmon Article

I was delighted to receive news of further success in Norway in the form of a report from James Martindale of his impressive 35 pound salmon caught in Norway on a Wee Dee Monkey needle tube fly ….. well done, James!

On an earlier visit to the same Norwegian river, after an epic 2 1/2 hour battle, James’s friend landed a magnificent 36 pounder, this time on a Wee Green Monkey needle tube fly …..

Another Norwegian angler later wrote “I love your needle tube flies. The salmon love them too! Today I got 6 salmon (3 -6 kg)”.
I was also very pleased to receive this report of the 2022 season in Norway: “It was a fantastic season for me this year. Over 40 salmon. Mostly 3-6 kg. Everyone on your Cascade!!!”
See photograph below of Cascade Needle Tubes.
Salmon Success in Canada
I was especially pleased to receive the following report from Jim Gourlay in Canada. I grew up with Jim here in Scotland where we spent our formative years chasing trout on local lochs and rivers. Jim now lives in Nova Scotia where he runs the very successful Saltscapes magazine group. He still finds time, though, to go fishing now and again. Here is Jim’s report of a recent trip …
“I acquired a dozen or so shrimp style tube flies from Grays of Kilsyth while visiting Scotland a couple of years ago. Tubes are not (yet) in common use in Canadian rivers and the only shrimp patterns regularly fished are the venerable General Practitioner and the original Ally’s Shrimp – both relegated as typically orange late season flies only: so I pretty much forgot about them.
On a recent early September sojourn to the Restigouche River in northern New Brunswick with five other rods, I opted to give the Grays tubes a go, what the hell! I chose a Cascade pattern about size 6 to fish in medium low water of about 52 degrees F. at the end of a slow sink tip.
I noted at the outset that this simple looking fly takes on a life of its own when dropped in the river. The movement offered by the lightweight almost neutral buoyancy design and elongated shape is considerably more pronounced than that of a conventional hook-mounted, short wing fly. My conclusion is that the lifelike appearance is a significant seducer of salmon.

The fly was so successful I only took it off in the few minutes just before dark each evening when I conventionally fish a white-winged Butterfly pattern.
In four days of morning and evening fishing only, it accounted for 3 grilse and five salmon landed, the salmon ranging from 16 to 34 lbs. It also accounted for the four large salmon I hooked and lost and several raises (offers). The same pattern was responsible for several fish landed by other rods who “borrowed” all examples in my possession regardless of size.

The fly itself is undamaged by all that action and perfectly good to go on my next trip.
But it’s the only one left. I have to replenish.”
Jim Gourlay
Nova Scotia, Canada

Spey Salmon at Night
On the night of 20th May, 2010, while fishing for sea trout on the River Spey at Grantown, I myself took this eight pound salmon on a two inch long Needle Tube Fly, at 11.30 pm in the dark …

More Needle Tube Success on English Salmon Rivers
River Tyne

River Eden

River Lune

River Eamont

Back in Scotland on the River Findhorn

The salmon pictured above, with a length of 38 inches and estimated weight of 21 pounds, was caught on the Forres Angling Association water of the River Findhorn on 8th September, 2022, on a Yelly Belly Scottish Shrimp Needle Tube Fly. The tube was armed with a free-swinging single hook size 8 …
Sea Trout on the Needle Tube Fly
Nocturnal Sport in Wales
The Needle Tube was originally developed primarily with sea trout in mind. The idea was to make the slimmest possible tube fly for late night summer sea trout fishing. The resulting Needle Tube Flies, in lengths up to 40mm and with an outside diameter of only 1.5mm, have filled the bill admirably and continue to account for many good sea trout and sewin throughout these islands. They have performed with distinction on many rivers from the Spey to the Towy and beyond.
The photographs above show Ed Middleton’s magnificent sewin, a fish of 15 lbs 12 ozs, taken on a simply dressed needle tube in June 2009 from the River Towy.
Dr Bill Smith is among other Towy fishers who have reported notable successes on the Needle Tube. Bill writes, “I recently visited the Golden Grove beat on the Towy. I started fishing at 10.45pm with a 15 mm needle tube sparsely dressed with natural dyed blue squirrel and a few strands of crystal flash. By 11.30 I had had 4 fish from 3 to 6 pounds. A friend fishing with me then tried the fly and had one of 4.5 lb. A tropical downpour then stopped play …. I use the micro tubes all the time now on my local river, the Fowey, and am looking forward to trying them for salmon on the Deveron in August.”
The Needle Tube continues to do well here in Scotland. One happy angler wrote to say, “I was on the Spey 2 weeks ago and had some good sea trout (best 5.5 lbs) on your needle tubes. I also had a 7lb salmon on one at dusk”, while, back in south Wales, Dafydd Rees writes, “Got out with the fly rod on the weekend … used one of the smaller 20mm tubes with a very sparse Alexandra variant and ended up catching my bag limit in 30 minutes flat! A very short night’s fishing! If that is any indication of how well these needle tubes fish it should be a good season!” and, later, “Just to let you know, I’ve had my most productive sewin season ever, with ten days still to go, thanks mainly to the needle flies I have been using tied on your needle tubes … fishing with flies that give you a lot of confidence is a bonus, many thanks for the raw materials.”
Dovey Sea Trout
This specimen sea trout of 16.5 pounds was taken at night in June 2011 on the Welsh Dovey (Dyfi) near Machynlleth by New Dovey Fishery Association secretary Richard Evans on his own tying of a Sunray Shadow dressed on a Needle Tube …
Devon Sea Trout
I was delighted also to receive news of a remarkable catch of sea trout, taken on the night of 23rd May, 2013, by Dart Angling Association Chairman Mr Julian Sharpe, from the Totnes Weir pool of the River Dart in Devon on a needle tube fly of his own dressing. The catch consisted of four sea trout, fresh off the tide, weighing 4.5 lbs, 5.5 lbs, 8 lbs and 12 lbs. What a night! The two smaller fish are pictured below along with the successful needle tube fly. Julian followed this up on 9th June with a night of three sea trout of 5.25 lbs, 6 lbs and 8 lbs, again on a needle tube fly. Many thanks for the photograph Julian.
Spey Sea Trout
More success on the Spey for the Needle Tube Fly …
One of eight Spey sea trout taken by the author on a 25mm black and silver needle tube in two hours fishing on the Grantown Association water in the early hours of Monday, June 23rd, 2014. I began fishing at midnight and stopped fishing at 2 am, having caught enough – eight lovely fresh sea trout averaging around 2.5 lbs. All were returned except one, which was kept for the table.
A Good Spey Sea Trout
A nice seven and a half pound sea trout taken on a 20mm black and silver Needle Tube Fly from the Grantown Association water, River Spey on June 17th 2015.
Towy Sea Trout
I was delighted to receive a report of this superb double figure sea trout, caught by Guy Edwards on the River Towy on the night of Saturday 8th July, 2017

Guy, who took the sea trout on a needle tube fly of his own dressing, writes, “Your needle tubes are just fantastic. I have recently started tying them nice and sparse as you recommend and they have revolutionised my sea trout fishing. My own pearl and blue dressing resulted in my largest sea trout from the Towy this Saturday…… a fish of my lifetime! I fished a 10 foot 6 weight Loop Multi single-hander, a floating “Robjent’s Chalk stream Special” line and 12lb Trilene fluoro. Hook size 16 Tubertini treble. Caught in the first half at around 23.00, the fish took after I missed two very quick pulls. In low conditions, she put on a fabulous fight! Thanks so much again for your invention, I am completely “sold” on them as a deadly taker of sewin.
Border Esk Sea Trout

Iceland Sea Trout

Paul Friend kindly sent me this photograph of one of the specimen sea trout he caught in Iceland. Paul writes, “It was caught on your black & silver needle tube, I remember it well!” The sea trout was safely returned. Well done, Paul! A beautiful fish in a beautiful place.
Steelhead on the Needle Tube Fly
Great Lakes Steelhead
Bob Schoeller is an accomplished fly fisher and fly tyer, who fishes for the steelhead of Lake Erie and its tributary streams. Bob had great success last season with a selection of beautiful flies dressed on Grays Needle Tubes. Bob has used the longer lengths of needle tube to create a range of stunning baitfish patterns, which have proven extremely effective fished from the lake shore, while the shorter needle tubes have been dressed as small colourful shrimps, for use later in the season on the tributary streams.

In one report Bob writes …. “I did get out Friday and tried out the shrimp on your needle tubes. Fantastic! …. I took a fish in the first drift and ended up with seven fish in 3 hours fishing …. best trip yet this year ….. I got out again today and had a cracker of a day! I really got lucky and got some very nice fish this morning ….. all on your needle tubes. They certainly have helped my fishing this year. It’s the best year I’ve had to date due in no small part to the needle tubes. The three of us landed 19 fish for the morning (all on your needle tubes) ….. The biggest one was a very fat hen fish of 16 lbs ….. the best of the year thus far for me.

Pacific Salmon on the Needle Tube Fly
Campbell River Pink Salmon
While we await rain here to bring some summer salmon into our Scottish rivers, I was delighted to receive the following report, along with some lovely photographs, from my nephew Chris, who is most fortunate to live on Vancouver Island – or perhaps he just makes good choices! I was particularly pleased to hear that the Canadian salmon approve of the needle tubes ….. Envious? …. moi?
Chris writes:
“Had a few hours to spare this afternoon so headed down to the Campbell. It was 27 degrees with not a cloud in the sky, so small, sparse flies were the order of the day. I opted for one of your tube flies that you gave me for the Tay.
Fish were holding bottom so I needed t17 tip to get the fly down and swinging in the right zone. Fished from 2-5pm and had 5 on the bank, with plenty lost. Largest was probably 4lb, but they were fresh fish and were extremely hot when hooked. Made the Marquis sing!”

Campbell River Chinook

Read more about Salmon Fishing on Vancouver Island
Needle Tubes are now available online at Grays of Kilsyth for the fly tyer in lengths from 10 mm to 40 mm in two diameters – 1.5 mm and 1.8 mm. Boxed selections of sea trout and salmon needle tube flies are also available.