Maps and Information on the
Salmon Fishing Rivers of Southern Scotland
Tweed and Clyde
A' rise oot o' ae hillside,
There was a ploy 'mang the three,
Wha wad first get to the sea,
Slow and smoothly flowed the Tweed,
Annan wan wi' greater speed,
Clyde fell doon wi' muckle din
And broke its neck owre Cora Linn (John Wilson)
Yes, the south of Scotland, too, has some marvellous
rivers.... the Tweed one of the top Scottish
salmon fishing rivers; the
Clyde, hard to beat for trout and grayling fishing; the Nith, Annan and
Border Esk, often overlooked by those in a hurry to reach the highlands,
but each offering some of the most attractive, and productive, fly
fishing beats and most of them very accessible to the visiting angler.

The map below shows the main
salmon rivers in
southern Scotland. The famous River Tweed flows eastward to
enter the North Sea at Berwick; the Nith, Annan and Esk
southwards into the Solway Firth; while the Stinchar, Doon
and Ayr flow west through Ayrshire to the Firth of Clyde. Clicking on a blue dot will take you to a
page showing detailed maps of each salmon river with
additional information on the salmon fishing available on
the rivers in the south of Scotland.
The maps on this website have been
reproduced with the permission of Collins Bartholomew.
In addition to the information provided
here, I would recommend that anyone planning a fishing or
walking trip in Scotland should equip themselves with a compass
and the appropriate Ordnance Survey map. The most useful of the
O.S. maps for the fisherman is the Landranger series, scale
1:50,000. For each of the lochs and rivers listed here, I have given the
relevant O.S. Map number. See
Survey Maps.
For a comprehensive guide to fishing on the lochs and rivers
of Scotland, I would recommend that you invest in a copy of
Bruce Sandison's excellent book:
Rivers & Lochs of Scotland: The Angler's Complete Guide 2013/14