Fishing at Ullapool, Scotland
Ullapool, lying on loch Broom at the mouth of the
Ullapool River, is one the the main fishing ports and tourist
centres of Wester Ross and makes an ideal centre for the trout
fisherman, with many small lochs to be explored in the hills to the
north, west and south.
The maps on this website have been
reproduced with the permission of Collins Bartholomew.
Please note that these maps may date back several decades.
Much of the human detail will have changed but the character of the rivers and
lochs, and the trout and salmon in them, will be much the same as they have
always been.
In addition to the information provided
here, I would recommend that anyone planning a fishing or
walking trip in Scotland should equip themselves with a compass
and the appropriate Ordnance Survey map. The most useful of the
O.S. maps for the fisherman is the Landranger series, scale
1:50,000. For each of the lochs and rivers listed here, I have given the
relevant O.S. Map number.
Survey Maps