Site Contents
Salmon Fishing Scotland
Salmon - Where to Fish
Salmon Fishing Tackle
Salmon Fishing Tactics
Salmon Flies
Trout Fishing Scotland
Trout- Where to Fish
Trout Fishing Tackle
Trout Fishing Tactics
Trout Flies
Sea Trout Fishing Scotland
Sea Trout - Where to Fish
Sea Trout Tackle
Sea Trout Tactics
Sea Trout Flies
Fishing Maps of Scotland
Fishing Articles
Fly Tying
Fishing Photographs
Book of Flies
Fishing Diary
Where to Stay
Fishing Clubs
Fishing Tackle Shops
Fly Fishing Knots
Fishing Weather
Fishing Books
Salmon Recipes
Flies Online
Background to Scottish Sea Trout Fishing
No Scottish game fishing guide would be complete
without mention of the
sea trout fishing available throughout
Scotland. If the salmon is the king of Scottish fish, the sea trout
might be called the "prince of darkness", a mysterious, magical
creature which appears, literally out of the blue, in many Scottish
rivers every summer, lying immobile and unnoticed during the light
of day and becoming active only during the hours of darkness -
active enough, on occasion, to take a fisherman's fly. For this
reason, those who pursue the sea trout are themselves, by necessity,
and perhaps by nature, nocturnal creatures. If you, like me, have
"something of the night" about you, you might find the following
pages of interest. They are all about the great variety of
trout fishing on the lochs and rivers of Scotland.
At one time, not so long
ago, Scottish
sea trout fishing, to many of us, conjured up pictures
of skilled boatmen rowing solid, clinker built boats down age old
drifts on wild west highland lochs like Maree, Stack, More and Hope,
coming in with famous catches of sea trout taken on the wet fly or
on the dap; pictures of short summer nights on west coast rivers
when the sea trout fought to get at a well fished fly. But that was
before the coming of the salmon farms, the growth of which has
coincided with a marked decline in stocks of west highland sea
Today, sadly, few fishermen make the annual pilgrimage to the
west highlands in search of sea trout. Catches on the once famous sea trout
rivers are a fraction of what they were. Boats on the lochs lie idle, hotels
rooms empty. Will our politicians come to their senses?...... we can but
hope. But,
despite the bleak picture in the north west, the sea trout still come in
the short Scottish summer to the rivers of the east and south, to the
Spey, Dee and South Esk, to the Earn, Nith and Annan. Not perhaps in the
numbers of the past..... but that only adds to the appeal, to the
I hope, in these
pages, to give some suggestions on where, in Scotland, you might find good,
accessible sea trout fishing and some ideas on the tackle, tactics and flies
which might, just occasionally, be successful in luring this most game of
all game fish.
Please select from the following pages for more
Sea Trout Fishing |
A new
website which may interest those setting out for sea
trout for the first time |
The Border Esk |
Sea Trout Fishing Pools on Hugh Falkus Cumbrian Esk