Site Contents
Salmon Fishing Scotland
Salmon - Where to Fish
Salmon Fishing Tackle
Salmon Fishing Tactics
Salmon Flies
Trout Fishing Scotland
Trout- Where to Fish
Trout Fishing Tackle
Trout Fishing Tactics
Trout Flies
Sea Trout Fishing Scotland
Sea Trout - Where to Fish
Sea Trout Tackle
Sea Trout Tactics
Sea Trout Flies
Fishing Maps of Scotland
Fishing Articles
Fly Tying
Fishing Photographs
Book of Flies
Fishing Diary
Where to Stay
Fishing Clubs
Fishing Tackle Shops
Fly Fishing Knots
Fishing Weather
Fishing Books
Salmon Recipes
Flies Online

Background to Scottish Trout Fishing

Let us now turn to
trout fishing in Scotland. The humble
Scottish trout might be considered, by some, the poor relation
in the salmon family. Nevertheless, despite its lowly station, the brown trout gives wonderful
fly fishing sport all
over Scotland to both local and visiting anglers. Where trout fishing scores over the salmon is in its lower
cost and generally wider accessibility, for example through local angling
clubs and associations, although recent legislation has imposed
restrictions on where anglers can fish, and further proposed
legislation threatens to exclude anglers from many of our lochs and
rivers. Nor is success with trout in Scotland so dependent on
increasingly unpredictable river levels. Trout can be caught in river
or loch in conditions that might defeat the most diligent and skilful of
salmon anglers. That is not to say, of
course, that Scottish trout are always easily caught. They can be gey dour
at times. Unlike the salmon and sea trout, though, the trout do need to
feed throughout the year and we can make reasonable judgements on how
trout are likely to behave in given circumstances and choose our fishing tackle,
flies and tactics accordingly.
But before we can begin to think about an appropriate choice of
trout fishing tackle, the most likely tactics or the contents of our fly box, we will need to decide where
in Scotland we are going to
fish. This is no easy task, neither is it an unpleasant one, spoilt for
choice as we are here in Scotland. For a fortunate few, living on the
banks of the Don, Tweed or Clyde or on the Isle of Lewis, surrounded by
lochs, the decision on where to fish might be an easy one. For others, living in the more
densely populated central belt, or travelling from farther afield, a bit of
thought, research and planning is required in our choice of fishing
Will we fish on river or loch, large or small, north or south,
highland or lowland, from boat or bank? When will we go? Where will we stay?
Where can we buy a permit?
Once we have made the vital decision on where we are to
fish, we can then give some thought
to the fishing tackle, tactics and flies which might be most appropriate in
outwitting the humble Scottish broonie. To help in the planning of a trout
fishing trip in Scotland, you will find information, maps and
photographs of the major Scottish trout lochs and rivers in the "where
to fish" section and a few ideas which I hope might be helpful in
the "tackle", "tactics" and "flies" sections.
Scottish Brown Trout |
see also
Trout Flies |
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of
Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes
Trout Loch Fishing
Forsinard Flyfishers Club
A new fly
fishing club with membership open to all. Seasonal
membership is very reasonably priced, which covers all bank
fishing with no further cost, although fishing sessions must
be booked on individual lochs online via the website. The
club has 41 lochs available for members to bank fish and
boats are available for members on 10 lochs with a minimal
charge applying.