Scottish Fishing Days and Nights 1987
by John Gray
Sunday midnight 28th June - Meetings
My first visit of the season to the Endrick. This early in the
year, I thought the best chance of a fish would be below the
Pots, so tried the Meetings Lynn. A calm night, fairly warm, no moon. Mist
forming. Rain previous night but river fairly low. A few fish showing
below the Meetings Lynn. One other fisher. Had one small touch. Gave up
Wednesday 29th July - Meetings
Reports of a few fish caught in mid June
after a spate. Some fish reported going over the Pots. Very little rain since May/June. Perhaps one spate early July.
Fish in Loch Lomond and in the Endrick below the Pots. River very low. Coolies
has been altered - looks good towards the top run. Need a big spate!
Meetings -
Quite a few
fish moving below the Meetings, some big. Had one take which resulted in a
broken top dropper.... bad knot?
Monday 3rd August - Meetings
1 sea trout
A nice night. A showery day but no effect
on river. River even lower now with fewer fish moving below the
Meetings. I fished from 11 to 12.30 am. had one fresh fish 1 1/4 pounds
at midnight. Wednesday 12th August
Heavy rain, off and on, from 3pm till
10pm following a fair amount of showery rain in the two previous days.
At 12 midnight the river was slightly up and very dirty, probably rising
through the early part of the night. No fish seen on Coolies or the Dam.
Thursday 13th August
9pm - 2am
With no rain on Thursday, I started the night at
Coolies. The river was reasonably high with some flow at the top of the
pool. There is now a good run at the top of the pool after some
alterations. Very windy and difficult to fish. No fish showing.
Meetings 12 midnight - 1.20 am
1 sea trout
Arrived to find a few fishers already on
the river. Only a few fish moving. A nice night with a
half moon behind cloud, and quite bright. A fair flow on
the water and no bother with weed. Conditions were good,
with clear water but there seemed to be a lack of fish.
It was reported that they had run upstream over the
Pots. I had one fish of 1 3/4 pounds, in reasonable
condition, at the lower tree stump below the meetings.
With no other touches, I gave up at 1.20.
Saturday 16th August
night/Sunday morning brought heavy rain. 1 1/2 inches was recorded in
the Glasgow area, resulting in a fair spate on the Endrick.
Monday 17th August
12 midnight - 4.30 am
1 sea trout
River slightly coloured
but dropping and clearing. River at a good height,
perhaps running slightly too fast. Sink tip line. Calm
and drizzly at times, very warm and humid. No fish
showing at all. No touches early on apart from small
browns. Robert arrived about 1 am and had two fish, 2
lbs and 4 1/2 pounds, after 3 am at the tail of the
pool. Still no fish showing. I had one fish of 2 pounds
in the top half of the pool. The river was reaching an
ideal level about daylight - typical!
Monday Morning, first
light, 7.30 am - Bill had three fish and lost three at
the Cart Wheel below Drumtian.
Monday Night 17th August -
2 sea trout
I arrived at 11.30 to join about ten
other fishers and had to wait till 12.30 to get on the pool. There had
only been four fish caught up to 12.30. The river was at a good height
for the floating line. A warm night, with only a few clouds and a bright
1/4 moon later in the night. No fish moving at first and only one or two
later in the night. There weren't many fish about. I heard 2 or 3
entering the pool between 2.30 and 3 am. I had two small fish both just
over a pound, one at 3.30 in the top half of the pool, the other at 4 am
just below the burn mouth. It began to get light shortly after. Only one
other fish caught about 3.30, a fish of 2 lbs. Although the water was at
a good height for night fishing, we need a good spate to bring fish
upriver. Wednesday 19th August -
9.30 - 2 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill -
Water very low. Minimum flow, floating line and 2 size 10 flies with
three maggots, moved round very slowly. No trouble with weed. Coolies
might have been a better bet. Four fishers. Alec had one or two offers.
Billy had one fish of 3 1/2 pounds and lost two more. I had one fresh
and lively fish of two pounds on the tail fly with Ryobi floating lure
on top dropper. Rain had been forecast but didn't start till 1 am. All
fish caught before midnight. Very few fish showing. The rain continued
through Wednesday night and into Thursday, and set to continue, on and
off, till Friday.
Friday 21st August - 5 am
- 8 am (daylight)
1 grilse, 1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
Heavy rain on Thursday all day till midnight, with the
river in high spate late Thursday. It was just breaking
the stone at 5 am on Friday morning and falling, fairly
coloured. A fairly bright morning with broken cloud
clearing. A few fish were moving. Alec had two sea trout
of 4 lbs and 1 1/2 pounds by 7 am. I had one grilse of 4
lbs and one sea trout of 2 lbs, both on my own size 10
shrimp treble, fished on a neutral line. One sea trout
caught opposite bank. Heard later that a total of ten
fish were taken that morning.
Friday 21st August - 8 pm
- 1 am
2 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- I arrived at 8pm and was 6th in the
queue. Started fishing at 10pm, with a total of 16
fishers on the pool. A clear night with the river at a
perfect height for the floating line, though slightly
fast in parts. I finished my first run down the pool at
1 am. A few good fish had been caught between 9.30 and
10pm at the top of the pool, one about 5 lbs. I had two
fish, one nice fresh fish of 2 3/4 pounds, two thirds of
the way down, and one of 1 3/4 pounds opposite the burn
mouth. About ten fish had been caught when I left. Nine
fish were taken on the Saturday night, six by Frank.
Monday 24th August - 12
midnight - 4 am
Cowden Mill
- I was first on a 12 midnight, with five
more following behind. Only one or two fish moved. Water
very slow, only just enough for the floating line. A
nice night, fairly warm becoming cooler as the sky
cleared. Not a touch! I foul hooked a fish of 1 1/4
pounds, safely returned. Peter had one of 1 1/4 lbs.
need another spate badly.
Tuesday 25th August -
10.15 pm - 2 am
1 sea trout
Coolies -
A nice calm night, ideal conditions. Rain started after
midnight, mainly light. A good flow for the floating
line. Four fishers. Very few fish moving and nothing
caught. I hooked a very lively fish about 1 1/4 pounds
just above the burn. I managed to beach the fish but the
hook came out and the fish slid back into the river. No
other touches. Saw several owls on the way home at the
top of the Crow Road.
Thursday 27th August -
9.30 pm - 2 am
Cowden Mill
- About six fishers on the dam. A nice
night clouding over, becoming cooler and windier. River
very low with only a slight flow. Quite a few fish
evident in the pool - a shoal was seen in the afternoon.
One size 10 fly on four foot cast with three maggots.
Not a touch! I tried the surface lure to no
effect. No fish caught all night. Need rain.
Early Tuesday morning,
1st September, we had heavy rain, about 1 inch, but
apparently little effect on the Endrick.
Tuesday 1st September -
9.30 pm - 2 am
2 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Seven fishers on for a 9 0.clock start.
I fished from 9.30. The river had risen a few inches
only and was still a bit slow even for the floating line
and 2 size 10 flies. A very clear, calm night. The farm
light was on till midnight. About six fish caught
altogether but nothing over 3 lbs. I had two fish, one
of 1 1/4 lbs just above the burn mouth and one of 2
pounds at the tail, under the tree on the far side.
Temperature dropped a bit after midnight and no more
touches. need a good spate.
Thursday 3rd September -
10 pm - 1.30 am
Cowden Mill
- Water very low. A clear and very windy
night but not cold. Some fish moving and six fishers on
the pool. No one had a fish. I didn't have a touch.
Coolies might have been better, if difficult in the
strong wind.
Some rain early Saturday
morning, half an inch at the most. Very heavy showers
Sunday afternoon, enough to put the Endrick up to a good
Monday 7th September - 12
midnight - 4 am
2 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Dam at a good high night level. A very
bright night with a full moon behind cloud. 8 fishers.
Floating line, longish leader, 2 size 8 flies, tail fly
with 8 maggots (1 fish 2 lbs), exchanged for long shank
with 10 maggots (1 fish 1 1/2 lbs). Sink tip might have
been more effective early on. About eight or nine fish
caught, a couple between 4 and 5 pounds. Monday night
should be good for the floating line.
Monday 7th September - 11
pm - 4 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- About seven fishers on the dam. Very
clear night, full moon, too bright. Good flow for
floating line and two size 8 flies. Had a fish of 3 lbs
about midnight below the stone. Lost another good fish
later in the same place. Only three fish caught all
night. River dropping slowly.
Wednesday 9th September
Very heavy rain Wednesday
morning, resulting in a good spate. River was dropping
at Cowden Mill in the afternoon and a few fish showing.
River was at a perfect height at dusk. Three fish taken
on shrimp fly. I had none. Regular spates from Wednesday
to Saturday should bring fish in in numbers.
Thursday 10th September
5 pm - 8 pm
Cowden Mill -
River above stone but dropping and fairly clear. About
eight fishers already on the pool. I fished neutral line
and size 8 treble shrimps. No touches. About four salmon
and four sea trout taken. Frank had two salmon of 4 and
8 lbs on a silver/magenta stoats tail and a heavy sink
tip line.
Saturday 12th September
5 am - 8.30 am
Cowden Mill -
Heavy rain Friday evening. River in good condition
dropping nicely, perhaps a bit too high but should be in
good order by 10 am. Billy D had one sea trout about 3
lbs on a shrimp fly. I had one touch. The river should
fish well all day.
Saturday 12th September
5.30 pm - 12 midnight
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill -
River at a good height for daytime fishing. I walked to
Kiltrochan. When I came back, Billy S had 2 fish,
including a seven pound salmon and got two more before
dark. Only about ten caught all day. River still a bit
high for night fishing but I got a small sea trout of
about a pound at 11 pm. River continued to drop all day
Sunday 13th September
12 midnight - 5 am
3 sea trout
Cowden Mill -
River at a good height for floating line and dropping
slowly. A few showers to start but sky cleared with a
very bright, high half moon. Also fairly cold with a bit
of a wind. Very few fish showing and only a few fish
moving into the dam. There appeared to be few fish in
the dam, surprising after three days continuous spate.
Fish should have been running the Pots all day Sunday. I
was first on the pool and began just above the big
stone, taking a 3 1/2 pound fish on my second cast, on a
size 10 spider with 3 maggots. I had another fish at the
tail on the same fly with 2 maggots at 1.15 am. One more
fish in the middle of the pool on my third run down, 1
3/4 lbs. Only 3 other fish caught, a total of 6 fish for
11 fishers. Jack had one of 5 lbs. Should be good Monday
Monday 14th September
11.30 pm - 1.30 am
River still too high
after rain in the morning/afternoon, but dropping and
clearing. Should fish about 3 - 4 am. I didn't!
Tuesday 15th September
8.30 pm - 4 am
3 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Perfect night.... mild, calm, good cloud cover with
the river at a good height and dropping slowly. Not many
fish showing. Eight fishers. I was on first at 8.30. It
was still a wee bit light. I needed two size eight flies
on the floating line to get them fishing deeply enough.
Perhaps a neutral or sink tip line would have been
better. I had a few small touches early on and others
complained of missing fish.
had 2 fish on the first run down, one of 3 lb 4 oz just
above the burn mouth in midstream and the other 4 lb 8
ozs just above the tree at the tail of the pool. No fish
on the second run down but one on the third, a fish of 3
lb 2 ozs, caught just below the beech tree. All fish
were taken on a size eight with 5 or 6 maggots. My
total, 3 fish for just under 11 pounds. Total for the
pool was 11. The best period was from 9 pm to 11 pm,
after which it became clearer, colder and misty later.
Wednesday 16th September
11.30 pm - 4.30 am
Cowden Mill
- River at a good level, only one or two inches down on
the previous night. Perfect for the floating line. Very
few fish moving. Only one sea trout taken between dusk
and midnight. Jack had a sea trout of about 2 lbs about
3 am. I had a brownie of 1 lb 4 ozs soon after. Fairly
mild earlier becoming colder later. Fish not present in
any numbers. Perhaps another spate needed to bring more
fish upriver.
Heard later that
no fish had been taken on Thursday night.
Sunday night 21st
September midnight - 4.30 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Weather perfect - very mild, cloudy and dark. Had been
some rain during the day but it had little effect on the
river. Minimal flow but OK at the top end of the dam. 5
fishers. I was second on the pool. I had a fish about
12.15 on yellow raffene spider size 8 plus 4 maggots. I
had to change to two size tens later because of slow
flow. The fish was only 1 lb 10 ozs but very fresh,
caught above the big stone. Hardly another touch but
lost a fish under a pound later. Two other small fish
were taken by Jack (3/4 lb) and Robert (1 lb). Need rain,
although reports again of a fair number of fish coming
over the Pots.
Heavy rain on
Monday morning from 5 am till 9 am, followed by lighter
rain. The rain continued in the afternoon on and off,
perhaps a total of 1.5 inches in 12 hours. Should result
in a good spate Monday afternoon.
Tuesday 22nd September
5 am - 8.30 am
Cowden Mill
- At 5 am the water was breaking the stone and dropping,
giving a good height and colour at daybreak. A few fish
showing but nothing taken. A few fish were caught
yesterday evening. The river should be good for night
fishing for the next few nights if the sea trout have
arrived in any numbers.
Tuesday 22nd September
midnight - 10 pm - 5 am
3 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- A mild, clear night with the river at a good high
night height. No moon. Almost perfect conditions. About
8 fishers on the pool at 10 o'clock. Only one fish
caught ( Colin 3 lbs). I started at 10 pm and soon lost
a fish of about 7 pounds which I had on for a minute or
so. There were few fishers left by midnight. I had two
fish by 1 am, one of 2 lbs in the middle of the pool and
one of 2 1/4 at the tail, both on size 8 with 5 maggots,
fished on a sink tip line, which began to snag near the
tail end of the pool. I tried the floater but it swung
round slightly too fast even with a lot of maggots. I
caught another of 14 ozs at the tail on long shank fly
with 10 maggots at 3 am. One other fish caught about 2
lbs at 3 am.
Total for the night
- 8 fishers - 5 fish. My three fish - 2 1/4, 2, 14 oz (
lost one 7 lbs). All fish fairly fresh.
A definite lack of sea trout. Where
have they gone?.... netted by trawlers? Poachers?
Are they running later?
Wednesday 23rd September
10 pm - 1.30 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Similar level to night before - and similar weather,
only slightly cooler and windier. Good conditions
generally. Sink tip line, size 8 and size 10, then 2
size 8 later. A total of three fish caught all night.
Fish still don't seem to be there. About eight fishers
early on, all left by 12.30. Very few fish being caught
anywhere on the river. My fish taken at 1 am - 2 1/4 lbs
fresh - opposite burn mouth.
Friday 25th September
8 pm - 1.30 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- River at good height for floating line, if a shade
low. Clear, cold, calm night. The farm light on from 9
till 12. Misty at times and hands and feet very cold
later. No moon. Only Alec an I to start and 2 more
arrived about 10 o'clock. I had a fairly fresh fish of 2
1/2 lbs about half way down the pool at 9 pm on size 8
yellow raffene spider + 5 maggots. Alec had 2 fish 4 1/2
and 2 lbs and lost a larger fish, all in the space of
twenty minutes around 10 pm behind or beside the big
stone on long shank size 8 plus 10 maggots. No other
fish caught.
Monday 28th September
River Earn - Alan and I
1 sea trout
Alan and I fished Strowan
on a day ticket. The river was at medium height. We
fished worm all day and caught a 2 1/2 pound cock sea
Tuesday 29th September
10 pm - 1 am
2 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Started at Kiltrochan 8 - 10 pm. Not a touch. Back at
the Dam for back of ten with good cloud cover, fairly
mild early but after 11 the sky cleared and it became
very cold. River very low with only a slight flow but 2
size ten flies swung round slowly in parts of the pool.
The Dam was full of fish. I had one at 1 1/2 pounds
about half way down on the far side. The second fish
took took fairly static or very slow moving fly/3
maggots below the burn mouth on a long line - 4 lbs very
fresh. Seem to be a good number of fish in the Dam for
the first time this year but river too low. A total of
nine fish were taken on the Wednesday night.
Thursday 1st October
Coolies 8 pm - 10 pm
River very low but a flow
at the top of Coolies. Nice night, calm, fairly mild.
Clear sky but no moon. Very few fish moving in Coolies.
Fished for 2 hours. Plenty parr and trout but no sea
Cowden Mill 10pm - 2
am. Dam very low, virtually no flow. 2 size 10s
swung round but very slowly. About 8 fishers. One said
he lost one and caught one on a size 6, a fish of 4 lbs
( May have been foul hooked as the fishers left
immediately afterwards). No other fish caught. Badly
need rain. Jack had a fish at Netherton.
Monday 5th October
7pm - 11pm
Cowden Mill
- Had been some heavy rain during the day but little
effect on the river, although it rose slowly from 7 pm
onwards. Floating line, 2 size 10s. Very little flow but
was speeding up through the evening. Catching weed on
tail fly. Plenty fish in the Dam, some more coming in.
Had one take in the middle of the pool and lost it. No
fish caught.
Coolies 11.30 -
12 midnight A few fish had been moving earlier but
the river was rising and the burn mucky. River too
dirty. More showers throughout night and Tuesday
Tuesday 6th October
7.30 pm - 1.30 am
2 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Good flow for floating line. Too slow for sink tip.
Clear sky with occasional cloud and showers. Full moon,
very bright, very cold. Only myself and George, who left
after one run down. I had one fish at the tail under the
tree (2 lbs) on size 8/4 maggots and a second (1 1/2
pounds) at the tail on a sink tip line - fresh fish,
good fight. I changed back to the floater and 2 size 8s
and lost a big fish about 12.30 ( usual display from a
lightly hooked fish .... thrashed the surface
until the hook came out).
Wednesday - rain on from 10 onwards most of the day.
Thursday 8th October
6.30 am - 8.30 am
Cowden Mill
- River below stone at daybreak and dropping. Perhaps
slightly low but fish moving. Lost one fish in the
middle of the pool, neutral line, size ten Drury treble
shrimps. Showery day forecast - should be good tonight
if not too cold.
Thursday 8th October
7.30 pm - midnight
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- River at good level. Started with sink tip and changed
to floater. About 5 fishers. Cold night, full moon, very
bright but showery with occasional cloud covering moon.
No touches except a break below the beech tree about
Coolies 12.30 - 2
am River high but clear. One fish 2 1/2 lbs,
fresh, near tail just below the style. I think the fish
took the top dropper which came out during the fight and
the fish was hooked in the forward part of the belly on
the tail hook. Fish returned.
Friday 9th October
10 pm - 1.30 am
1 sea trout
- Alan's first trip to the Endrick. Full moon behind
hazy cloud. Quite a bright night with the moon behind
us. River at fairly high level for night fishing ( above
stone) but running clear. Not too cold at first but
became a bit chilly towards 1 am.
[ 3 other fishers using size 6 hooks, no
maggots. One had a 7 lb salmon at the tail on a long
shank teal and silver. Another four fish were caught
before 1 am, all without maggots. I had serious doubts
about how they were hooked]
I hooked a fresh fish of 2 1/2 pounds
about 1 am on size 8/7 maggots on a sink tip line. Alan
played it, I netted it.
Sunday 11th October
midnight - 4 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Only one other fisher. Heavy rain from 12 - 2 am. The
other fisher had a fresh 2 lb fish about 12.30. Few fish
moving. Water low, moon hidden behind cloud, cold.
Floating line size 8 and 10. My fish, 1 1/2 pounds,
caught 2.30 in the middle of the pool. No other touches.
Heard that a few fish had been caught at the milk bar
during the day. Must have a look sometime.
Monday 12th October
7.30 pm - 10.30 am
Alan and I. Water at good
height - cold and misty. Plenty of fish moving but not
interested. 5 Fishers. Jacky had a fresh one about 2 lbs
in the run at the top of the pool. We didn't have a
touch.Coolies 11pm - 1 am
There had been 2 fish caught - again without maggots! Turned warmer and cloud covered moon - flow a wee bit
too fast for Coolies. Not a touch.
Wednesday 14th October
2pm - 4.30 pm
1 grilse, 1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Water at the top of the stone at 2 and dropping.
Fisher on the other ( private) bank had 6 fish mainly
spinning in higher water and had one on the fly when I
arrived with Alan. Billy had a grilse about 5 pounds
just before 2 pm.
Sink tip line.
I had a cock salmon of 6 lb 2 oz about 3.30 just below
the beech tree. Went down to the Black Lynn until
7.30pm. Had a cock sea trout, dark, 31/2 lbs at about 7
pm. Met Billy returning from the dam. He had a total of
6 grilse and one big sea trout ( fairly fresh) and he'd
lost 3, all in the run in to the dam, mostly taken
between 5 and 7 pm, with water dropping all the time.
Thursday 15th October
5.30 pm - 6.45 am
Cowden Mill
- River rising and colouring after heavy rain in the
middle of the day and early afternoon. Billy had one
grilse about 4 pm. Alan and I did not have a touch but
fish showing
Friday 16th October 5 pm - 7 pm
Cowden Mill
- Water just a bit too low with about 8 inches of the
stone showing. Very few fish showing. Neutral line, size
10 trebles, not a touch.
Wednesday 21st October
Dawn to Dusk
Cowden Mill
- Heavy rain early morning. River at good height at
daybreak but rose and coloured steadily throughout the
morning. Dropped again in the afternoon a little and at
a good height by tea time. 1 fish caught by Alec, a six
pound grilse on size 8 blue and silver shrimp around 1
o'clock. Colin had 2 and lost a few in the last hour the
previous night with the river a little lower.
Thursday 22nd October
5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
1 sea trout (kelt)
Cowden Mill
- Nothing caught all day. Several fishers. River at
perfect height and colour. I had a 2 lb sea trout
kelt on a blue/silver treble just after dark ( no
Friday 23rd October 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
Fished from above the
Stinky Burn down to Coolies. River a fair height, maybe
slightly low. No touches on sink tip.
Coolies 10.30 to midnight Few
fish moving. 3 fish taken by fishers using bare fly!
Some fairly fresh sea trout. I had no touches - river a
bit high for maggot. Rod rings freezing!
27th October 7 am - 8.30 am
Manse to Fir Tree
- Water low and clear but started to rise and colour
after heavy rain earlier in the morning. No touches,
only saw one fish move. Rain forecast all day till
28th October Dawn till Dusk
Cowden Mill - Cement
Wall Water slightly low for dam but good
height for rest of river. Very few fish around. One or
two touches ( salmon?). Another blank!
2 Grilse
38 Sea Trout
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