Scottish Fishing Days and Nights 1988
by John Gray
Friday 8th July - Meetings
It had been the driest June on record but the first week
of July was very wet with some heavy showers. The Endrick had seen a
spate early on Friday and had run off by the evening. A few fish were
seen running over the Pots earlier in the day. I fished the Meetings
till 11.30 with Alan but saw no sign of fish. It may be worth trying
further upriver by the Glasgow Fair.
Sunday 10th July - Meetings
There was a good big spate on Sunday
mid-day. The river was lower at midnight but still
coloured. No sign of fish in the Dam yet, although there
were reports of fish running over the Pots during
Monday 11th July
Still no fish in evidence
in Cowden Mill Dam. Heavy rain again on
Tuesday night.
Wednesday 13th July
I began at the Black
Lynn, with the river running tea coloured after a spate. Fish were
running and I had two offers, one in the run above the Lynn, the other
at the tail end of the pool, to a size 10 black and red treble shrimp.
The river started rising and colouring. J Brown had 2 fish from the
Black Lynn about 3 pm.
Cowden Mill 6 pm to 10 pm - Fish started moving in
the Dam at last but the river was rising and colouring, although running
at a good height. Billy Sinclair lost two fish. There now seems to be a
good head of fish throughout the river.
Thursday 14th July -
Cowden Mill 11pm - 3 am
Ideal conditions with a good flow and
good cloud cover, fairly mild and calm. No sign of fish moving but four
fish were caught between 8 fishers, with Alec taking one at 1.5 lbs and
Robert 3 fish to 2 lbs.
Peter had a
4 lb grilse Friday morning 5 am at the Corporation Pool and lost
another. The Black Lynn also seems to be doing well for the grilse. The
Loch is said to be full of fish!
18th to 23rd July
- River Deveron
2 sea trout
Had a
week's holiday on the middle Deveron on the beats let by
George Manson of Huntly, at what seemed like reasonable
rates of £13 per day or £78 for the week. Over the week,
I fished three beats in rotation - Braehead, Boat of
Turtory ( including the Boulders and Euchries pools) and
Inchline, the top beat. The river was dropping and
clearing nicely all week, at a good fly height in the
early part of the week and improving for night fishing
towards the end of the week as the peat stain
disappeared. I saw very few fish during the week. Those
I did see were mainly in Boat of Turtory. I finished the
week with two sea trout, both 2 1/2 pounds, one from
Braehead at 11 pm on Thursday night and the other from
Euchries on Boat of Turtory at 11.45 on the Friday
night. I also had a nice brown trout of 1 1/4 pounds
from Euchries on the Tuesday evening on a medicine. The
sea trout were taken on fly/maggot. I heard that the sea
nets had been left on over the weekend of my arrival due
to rough weather but there had been a good run of grilse
early in July.
A nice bit of
water .... and I didn't see another angler all week.
Sunday 24th July -
Midnight - 4 am
Back on the Endrick on
the Sunday night, there were fish in the Dam but few
were showing. The weather started nice but turned wild
and wet later on. The river was at a good height, if
maybe running slightly fast. Only 3 fishers. Robert had
3 at 2 lbs, Frank 1 at 3 lbs. I had one offer which
resulted in a broken top dropper. I think I need a
better casting floating line. Will try the WF8F Glider.
Monday 25th July - Cowden
Mill - 7pm-11pm
( Alan 1 sea
The river was running at
a good height, almost covering the stone, and clearing.
About seven fish, both grilse and sea trout, had been
taken earlier in the day. One rod had a fish of four or
five pounds around 8 pm. Alan had a sea trout of 2
lbs 6 ozs shortly after on a size 10 shrimp treble.
With the river clearing, it may fish later in the night
if no more rain. Seems to be a good number of fish in
the river now.
Tuesday 26th July -
Cowden Mill - 11 pm - 4 am
River running clear but a
little too high for the floating line. 1 fish caught by
Colin about 11 pm. Nothing else caught and few fish
showing. A few fish reported caught earlier in the day.
Wednesday 27th July - Cowden Mill - 12
midnight - 4 am
sea trout
River running at a
perfect floating line height. A cool, dry night with
broken cloud and not many fish showing. Three fish had
been taken before 12 midnight. I ended the night with
two fish, one of 1 1/4 lb from below the burn at 2.30 am
and the other, 2 lb 6 oz from the burn mouth at 3.30 am.
Rain during Thursday from
11 am onwards throughout the afternoon in Kilsyth.
Thursday 28th July - 7 pm - 11pm
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- River was rising and colouring until
about 9 pm when it steadied and began to clear. Perfect
about 10 pm when I hooked the biggest fish I've had on
the Endrick, certainly into double figures. The fish was
hooked near my own bank about midway down the pool and
ran very quickly downstream at the corner opposite the
burn. In a panic - induced attempt to slow its headlong
rush towards the dam face, I fear I may have applied a
bit too much pressure to the reel rim. My cast of 12 lb
Maxima broke above the top dropper and the fish was
gone. Flies: Size 8 orange shrimp treble with orange
pearly body and a purple, pink, black and silver shrimp
One other
fish of about 6 lbs was caught.
Friday 29th July 12
midnight - 4.30 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- A cool evening, which began windy turning calmer with
increasing cloud cover. A bright night with the moon
obscured by cloud. Very few fish showing. Eight or nine
fishers gathered to begin fishing about 11.30 pm. Four
fish caught, one a grilse of 4 lbs. My fish, a nice sea
trout of 2 1/2 pounds, was hooked at the burn mouth at
2.30 am on a size 10 fly with 3 maggots. Floating just
right for the good to slow flow.
Monday 1st August - 12 midnight - 4 am
1 sea trout
Seven fishers. I was 3rd on the pool.
Mild night with moon behind cloud. Perfect floating line
height and quite a few fish in the pool. 4 fish caught.
My fish, 1 lb, was taken just below the burn on a
floating line and size 10 spider ( with 3 maggots).
Reports of 135 fish taken last week.
Wednesday 3rd August - 4 pm - 3.30am
1 sea trout
Fished the Milk Bar to
Netherton till 7 pm. Nice small pools at the top end but
water far too low. Decided to try Cowden Mill in the
dark. Water very low with just a slight flow. Very
bright moon in a clear sky. Fished size 8 and 10 spiders
with a neutral braided tip, shortened to suit the low
water conditions. Alec had 2 fish about 6 lbs each,
using his usual teal blue and silver and butcher with a
few maggots. Allan Murray had 2 fish about 6 lbs. Both
Alec and Alan kept their flies on the move slowly by
handlining occasionally. My fish, 2 lbs, was taken at
3.30 am in the middle of the pool. Quite a few big fish
in evidence in the pool. Total for 4 fishers - 6 fish.
Thursday 4th August - 12 midnight - 3.30 am
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- Very warm, humid night, dark and cloudy
at first but clearing and brightening a little through
the night. Very few fish moving. About 6 fishers on the
pool when I arrived with only one fish caught, a fish of
about 3 lbs caught by Alan, who also lost a big fish.
One other small fish caught. My fish was taken midway
down the pool while figure of eight retrieving to
recast, a nice fresh two and a half pounder, which took
a size 10 spider with 5 maggots. Total for the night - 3
fish for 7 fishers. Pool flowing a bit slowly - need
some rain!
Friday night through to Saturday midday, the Garrell
burn was running high, after being dry on Friday. The
Endrick should fish well Saturday?
Saturday 6th August - 6 pm to 9 pm
Fished Ballochruin till 9
pm - no fish seen. The river had not risen enough.
Monday 8tt August - 12 midnight
- 4 30 am
Cowden Mill -
River very low with very little flow. Handlining the
flies most of the time. A very clear night with no moon
and very mild. A few big fish moving. Four fishers,
nothing caught. I lost a lively fish of 5 or 6 lbs
hooked under the tree at the tail of the pool. I played
it for a couple of minutes before the hook came out. No
other touches. Reports of good catches on the Dam
Saturday night.
Tuesday 9th August - 10.30 pm - 3.30 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
About 7/8 fishers to start. A warm, clear night with no
moon. River very low, handlining necessary. I missed one
fish and caught one of 1 lb about 11 pm. Alec missed 2.
Everyone else left by 2.30 with no more caught. I
eventually had a second fish below the burn mouth. I was
trying a surface lure on the tail with fly/maggot on the
dropper, handlining fast on the surface. The fish, a
nice one of 4 3/4 lbs, took the dropper.
Heavy rain for an hour or two on
Wednesday night but not quite enough for daytime
fishing. Again heavy rain from 4 - 5 pm Thursday. Heavy
rain forecast from 12 midnight till 4 am Friday
Friday 10th August - 5.30 am - 8 am
1 sea trout
- Very little rain during the night. River
running clear and not very high. Heavy rain from 5 am
till 8 am and continuing through the morning, with the
river rising and colouring. By 8 am, the burns were
running high and dirty. Rain due to ease by late
morning, when the river should begin to clear. I hooked
one fish of about a pound very first cast at 5.30 am. on
an orange shrimp. Alan played it, a very lively
Friday 10th August - 5.30 pm - 12 midnight
Cowden Mill
- River ran high and coloured until
evening. Still too much colour. Only one sea trout
caught by Billy, a fish of 3 to 4 pounds. I missed one
and foul hooked a sea trout of 2 lbs (returned). Could
be a good level at daybreak Saturday.
Monday 15th August - 10 pm - 4 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill
After heavy rain over the weekend and a high spate on
Sunday, the river had dropped by Monday evening and was
running clear, at a perfect height for the sink tip
line. Others thought so too as five fishers had gathered
at the dam for a 9.30 start. A warm night with some
encouraging cloud cover and no moon but, with the
tractor lights from the haymaking disturbing the pool
until 10.30pm, things were a little slow to start.
I had one smallish fish of around 2¼lbs from behind the
stone in the middle of the pool, lost another and foul
hooked a grilse, which was duly returned, all before
midnight. Alec had two fish and two others were caught
early on. Things went very quiet between midnight and
3am, by which time all but myself and two others had
left. It was looking like a fairly average night.
Just occasionally, though, we experience an exceptional
day or night's fishing, when all the time and effort
spent on the river seems worthwhile - when, as Alec puts
it, we are rewarded for good attendance. This was such a
night. In the space of no more than half an hour,
between 3am and 3.30am, without moving my stance, I
hooked, and landed, four sea trout in four casts. The
total weight of the four fish was 19¾lbs and the biggest
was 8lbs, until recently my biggest ever sea trout. I
might have added to my bag but, deciding enough was
enough, I called on Robert, who had been fishing some
way up the pool, to take my place at the "hot spot".
This was one of my favourite spots, about ten yards or
so above the Dam, casting to a narrow gap in the
overhanging trees on the far side. The fish usually took
just as the flies emerged from under the trees. Robert,
on this occasion, had no success. I, though, had had a
magical half hour, never to be forgotten, or repeated. I
must have been casting over a shoal of large fresh fish,
ready and willing to take my flies after entering the
dam minutes earlier. I fished the usual 2 flies, one
size 8 Pheasant tail spider on the dropper and one size
10 black and silver spider on the tail, both sparsely
dressed and adorned with a few maggots. That night I was
certainly in the right place at the right time.
5 Sea Trout - 8lbs, 4lb 12 oz, 3lb 8 oz,
3lb 8 oz, 2 lb 4 oz ( total 22 lbs)
Tuesday 16th August - 1
am -
4 am
Cowden Mill -
River at a perfect height, slightly lower than Monday.
Chilly air under a clear sky. Fish inactive, although
about five fish were taken before midnight.
Heavy rain Wednesday night/Thursday
morning and very heavy rain around 3 pm for about an
hour on Thursday in Kilsyth. Carron Dam is full, so a
good supply of water being allowed down into the Endrick.
The river is maintaining its height quite well after a
Thursday 18th August - 5.30
pm - 10 pm
Cowden Mill Dam -
Between 1 pm and 4 pm about 12 salmon were caught on the
dam (Robert 3, Frank 5, Billy 3) but , by 5 pm, the
river was rising and no more fish were taken that day.
No rain during the night to speak of but the river was
still running at a reasonable height in the morning,
just below the stone, maybe 2 or 3 inches below perfect
Friday 19th August - 5.30 pm - 10 pm
1 sea trout
Cowden Mill
- River slightly high with a bit of
colour and a lot of suspended solids in the water.
Height steady but slow to lose its colour. Davy had a
lovely sea trout about 7 lbs at the tail of the dam on a
big GP. Nothing else had been taken since 5.30. I had a
nice fresh sea trout of 3 3/4 lbs just above the corner
at 9.15 pm just as it was getting dark. It took an
orange shrimp on the dropper. The river would be a good
height on Saturday morning. It was later reported that
25 fish had been taken on worm/ spinner on the opposite
bank of the dam on Saturday.
Monday 22nd August -12 midnight
- 4 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill
- A perfect height for the floating line.
A very clear night, chilly with no moon and a ground
frost at 4 am. Very few fish moving. Six fish caught by
six fishers. I had two of them, one on second cast under
the beech tree, 2 1/4 lbs and one at the tail of the
pool at 1.45 am, 5 lbs 12 ozs.
Wednesday 24th August - 2 pm - 5 pm
Manse to Honeyhome
- Water too low despite rain in the
- 1 am Dam - Water just right for floating line,
maybe a shade low. Very few fish moving. Nothing taken
by four rods. Maybe too chilly! Heavy rain for 2 or 3
hours on Saturday morning. Probably spate Saturday
Monday 29th August - 12 midnight
- 4 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
River quite low - floating line. Farm light turned off
at midnight. Full moon, bright by moon hidden by cloud
most of the time. Very few fish moving. Seems to be a
lack of sea trout but good early grilse run. I had one
sea trout at the very tail of the pool at 1.15am on a
size 10 spider, a fresh sea-liced fish of 3 3/4 lbs. I
hooked another fish at 3 am at the mouth of the burn
which took off downstream with half my backing out in
one run and threw the hook ----- may have been foul
Tuesday 30th August - 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm
After rain overnight
Monday and Tuesday afternoon, the river was rising and
Wednesday 31st August - 6 am - 2 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
At 6 am, the river was just breaking the
stone and dropping. perfect height, slightly peaty
coloured water. About 8 fishers, nothing caught.
1pm - 8.30 pm Black Lynn. Water
looking very good, if slightly on the low side and
dropping. Very few fish about. One fisher lost 2 fish on
small flies fished on a sinking line. I didn't touch a
Mill - Back on the dam at 10 pm for a night shift
and the river looked a good height for the sink tip,
although most fish were taken on the floater. I started
with the sink tip - no touches. I had one of 4 1/4 lbs
at 2 am right at the tail after changing to the floater
and a size 8 spider. A total of 4 fish were caught
between 7 or 8 fishers, most in the two hours before
midnight. Later it became very cold and quite windy at
Friday 2nd September -
6 am - 8 am
Cowden Mill -
Water a good height after rain yesterday. One or two
fish showing but nothing caught. Two fishers spinning
the opposite bank. Alex had one in the run below the
continuous rain Friday afternoon.
Saturday 3rd September -
6.30 - 8.30 am
Coolies Lynn -
River running high but clear. Very cold and windy. Dam
would probably fish well. 2 or 3 fish seen in Coolies.
Should still be at a reasonable height at closing time,
5 pm.
Black Lynn
- 5 30 - 8.30pm - River dropping. One sea trout and
one salmon caught, not by me.
Sunday 4th September -
12 midnight - 3 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill
Water a good height - neutral line. Very heavy showers 9
pm till 11 pm but dry from 11 pm till 1 am then very
heavy rain through the night. 6 fishers for 2 fish
caught. My fish was a lovely fresh 5 1/2 pounder, which
gave a strong fight hooked midway down the pool on the
far side at 12.45am. Then heavy rain. Gave up at 3 am.
Dry most of Monday. Should be good Monday night.
Monday 5th September - 11.30 pm - 3 am
sea trout Cowden Mill -
River slightly high but running clear. No fish moving
until 2 am and then only a few. Appear to be very few
sea trout about. A lovely night, a bit of cloud and
reasonably mild. All other fishers left by 1 am. I had a
nice sea trout of 3 1/2 pounds at the burn mouth at 2 am
and a 1 lb brownie in the tail shortly after - neutral
Wednesday 7th September -
5 pm
- 7 pm
sea trout
Stinky Burn - Coolies -
Water at a good height, clear with brown stain. Very few
fish seen. Sunny day, very warm. Alan had one at dusk in
Dam -
9pm - 3am - Seven fishers, very warm and thundery
with lightning from time to time and very hot
breezes in the middle of the night along with a few
brief showers. Only four fish caught, all down near the
tail of the pool. My fish - 4 lb 14 oz, caught about
Thursday 8th September -
6 pm - 8 pm
Cowden Mill -
Water a bit low and dropping but still too high for
night fishing. The Dam had been fished all day and
nothing caught. Only 2 or 3 fish moved. May be good
Friday night for sea trout. There appears to be a lack
of sea trout although the average size of about 3 1/4
lbs is good.
Friday 9th September -
10pm - 3.30am
Cowden Mill -
River at a good floating line height. A mild, dark
cloudy night. Only 5 small fish, under 2 lbs, caught. I
didn't have a touch. A definite lack of sea trout
Monday 12th September -
12 midnight - 4 am
Cowden Mill -
River again at a good height for the floating line. Very
dark, windy and rainy. Very few fish about. No touches.
The rain continued into the morning. Should be a spate
Wednesday 14th September -
9 pm - 2 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
A clear cold night with a touch of ground frost. A few
fish moving in the dam. 5 fish were taken, three of them
by Alex at the top of the pool. I had a dark cock fish
of 4 3/4 lbs at the mouth of the burn about midnight.
River low - floating line and size 10 fly.
Thursday 15th September -
9 pm - 1 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
Only one other fisher who left at 11pm. River low but
enough flow for size 10 flies on a floater. Very clear
and cold with few fish showing. I had one of 2lbs 2 ozs
just below the beech tree at midnight.
Monday 19th September -
12 midnight - 4 am
Cowden Mill -
Mild night, river very low with almost no flow. A good
number of fish moving, maybe running, but no takers.
Need a spate!
Tuesday 20th September -
8.30 pm - 4 am
Cowden Mill -
A good number of fish moving, some fish coming into the
pool, some of them big. River very low with no flow. A
very mild night, cloudy and dark with occasional
drizzle. Alex had a fish of 1 1/2 lbs and George one of
2 lbs at the tail. I touched nothing. Water needed.
Friday 23rd September - 11 pm
- 3 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
There was a spate today after rain yesterday and this
morning. River still high but dropping from 11pm till
3am. The rain was constant from midnight onwards and the
river began to rise at 3am. A cold wet night. Only 4
fishers. One good fish lost and one of 2 lbs caught. My
fish, 3 lbs 2 ozs, was taken two thirds of the way down
the pool at 3 am and I lost one shortly after at the
burn mouth. Sink tip line.
A good spate Saturday morning with more
rain due on Sunday in time for the Monday holiday.
Monday 26th September
Dawn to Dusk
sea trout
Fished from dawn into the
darkness in a good water. Began at the dam with no
success. At the top of the run above the Black Lynn, I
had one sea trout of 2 lb 6 oz on a size 8 shrimp.
Drumtian produced nothing. Very few fish were caught all
day. Fished the Dam well into the darkness with no
Wednesday 28th September - 12
midnight till 4 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
River at a perfect height, a fairly cold, clear night
with a bright moon. Very few fish moving and only one
was caught before midnight, a 1.5 lb salmon ! I took my
fish just after midnight just above the stone, a sea
trout of 1 lb 10 oz. There still seems to be a dearth of
sea trout. Jack had a grilse on Tuesday night.
Friday 30th September -
10 pm - 3 am
Cowden Mill -
The river was at a good floating line height. A few fish
moving but probably stale. Still a lack of fresh sea
trout. A cool, bright night with a hazy moon. I had only
one touch but no fish hooked. Very poor. No other
fishers. Rain due Saturday evening?
Monday 3rd October -
Cowden Mill -
There had been heavy rain till 9 pm and the river was
slightly too high and coloured. A fair number of fish
moving. Perfect weather - dark and mild. Alan M lost a
good fish.
Monday 3rd October -
10 pm to 3 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
A perfect night, mild with variable cloud cover, quite
dark. The river slightly high but dropping, just
reaching a good level for the sink tip about 3 am. My
fish was a lovely fresh hen sea trout of 3.75 lbs, taken
just above the burn in the middle of the stream. Size 8
fly with 8 maggots on sink tip line. 5 fishers on from
dark, all left by 2 am with no fish caught.
Wednesday 5th October -
8 pm to 2 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
River again slightly high requiring sink tip and 2 size
8 flies. A few fish moving on a nice fairly mild night.
I had only one fish, taken at 10pm, a lovely fresh sea
trout of 3 1/4 lb. A beautiful fish, heavily marked with
well defined black spots.
Heavy rain early Thursday
morning and during the day produced a very high spate on
Thursday at 5pm and into Friday.
Saturday 8th October -
7 am - 8.30 am
sea trout
Cowden Mill -
River running below the stone. A few fish moving. I
hooked and landed a 3 lb sea trout shortly after 7 in
the run below the stone. One other small sea trout was
taken about 8am. I fished down to the Mill Pool with no
other touches.
Saturday 8th October -
5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
Cowden Mill -
Water rising, at a good height by 7 pm but starting to
colour - No touches. Will be a spate on Sunday.
Monday 10th October -
8 pm - 1 am
Cowden Mill -
River at a good height for floating line but a cold
night, a clear sky with no moon. Only a few fish moving.
1 grilse and 1 small sea trout taken among 8 fishers.
Wednesday 12th October -
4.30 pm - 7 pm
Cowden Mill -
A showery day with the river a wee bit low at 4.30 but
rising slowly and only slightly coloured. Almost
breaking the top of the stone at 5am, a good height for
the top run. A few fish moving, too. I took a cock
salmon of 8lb 2 oz on the tail fly, a size 8 treble with
black squirrel wing and red/black body with a red mid
hackle and JC wing. A good strong fish. I had the pool
to myself.
Thursday 13th October -
7.30 pm - 12 midnight
Cowden Mill -
Level began at floating line height but was rising and
colouring slowly. No touches to maggot or sunk lure. A
nice, mild night with only myself and George fishing.
Friday 14th October
- 10 pm - 12 midnight
Cowden Mill -
A clear, cold, misty night with only a few fish moving.
A good height for the floating line .... no offers.
Wednesday 19th October -
7.30 am - 5 pm
Cowden Mill -
A high spate, dirty in the morning but dropping and
fishable by about 11am, though still very coloured and
clearing slowly. At 2.30pm the water still seemed
slightly higher and more coloured than ideal but Billy D
had a 7lb cock fish on a size 8/6 claret shrimp ( claret
seal's fur ribbed gold with double claret hackle, GP
tail and JC cheeks) and, while he was playing his at the
top of the pool, I hooked a 6 1/4 lb hen fish, a nice
fresh fish, just above the bend near the near ( right)
bank. It was duly landed, taken on a size 8 Drury treble
(silver body, GP crest tail, red hackle, black squirrel
and JC wing). No other fish caught when I left ( 8
fishers). I had to leave at 5 pm for the Scotland V
Yugoslavia game at Hampden ( Draw 1-1)
Fair bit of rain Thursday morning.
Wednesday 26th October -
Dawn to Dusk
Cowden Mill -
River too high in the morning but dropped quickly and
fishable all afternoon, probably reaching an ideal
height at dusk. I lost a fish in the run at 2pm. The
dropper, 12 lb maxima, broke off with very little
pressure! Only one fish caught, a grilse of 6 lb at 5pm.
Quite a few fish about.
1988 season River Endrick
30 Sea Trout (plus
Alan -1)
A poor
year for sea trout. Numbers low, although average size
was good, at 3 lb or more.
Biggest sea trout - 8 lb
Biggest salmon - 8 lb 2 oz
A good run of fish, mainly grilse, late
July and August. Conditions, good from July onwards.
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