Salmon Fishing - River Garry Scotland
O. S. Map 34
The character of the River
Garry, and its fishing, was greatly altered by the impoundment of
its waters, in the nineteen fifties, for the production of hydro
electricity. Prior to this, the Garry was one of Scotland's best
spring salmon fisheries, renowned for its large spring salmon,
averaging about 18 pounds, which were in the river from opening day
on January 15th till the end of April.
Although salmon can
be taken from the loch and upper river, most of the
salmon fishing on the Garry is now done on the three and
a half miles of the lower river, from which around 100
salmon can now be expected in a season. The fishing on
the river, for six rods, is normally by weekly let but
day permits may be available.
Contact the
Invergarry Hotel, Invergarry, Inverness-shire.
