Site Contents
Salmon Fishing Scotland
Salmon - Where to Fish
Salmon Fishing Tackle
Salmon Fishing Tactics
Salmon Flies
Trout Fishing Scotland
Trout- Where to Fish
Trout Fishing Tackle
Trout Fishing Tactics
Trout Flies
Sea Trout Fishing Scotland
Sea Trout - Where to Fish
Sea Trout Tackle
Sea Trout Tactics
Sea Trout Flies
Fishing Maps of Scotland
Fishing Articles
Fly Tying
Fishing Photographs
Book of Flies
Fishing Diary
Where to Stay
Fishing Clubs
Fishing Tackle Shops
Fly Fishing Knots
Fishing Weather
Fishing Books
Salmon Recipes
Flies Online
Salmon Fishing - River Oykel Scotland
O. S. Map 16
The Oykel
is the best of the Kyle of Sutherland rivers. There are no hydro
schemes on the Oykel to inhibit the natural flow of the river, which
relies on precipitation, in the form of rain or, very early in the
season, snow, to give of its best. Excellent Spring fishing on the
lower river with sport on the upper river throughout the summer
Salmon enter
the river from the start of the season in January and can travel as far
as the Rock Pool, below Oykel Bridge and the junction with the Einag,
its main tributary. When the water temperature reaches 42 degrees
Farenheit, usually in early March, the salmon will push on upstream as
far as the Falls of Einag, and to Oykel Falls on the main river, where
they will halt until the temperature rises enough to encourage further
upstream movement,
usually around the end of May. By June, salmon will be over the Einag
and Oykel Falls and into the upper river, which sees runs of fresh run
grilse in June and July, continuing into August and building to a peak
in September, although some of the fish will then be getting stale. The
river has an annual catch of up to 2000 salmon, the vast majority from
the lower river, whose best month is usually April with catches of
around 200 salmon. Of the summer months, July is best with around 150
fish. The upper river will produce around 150 salmon and Loch Ailsh can
produce a few salmon as well as a good number of sea trout.
There is a
long waiting list for fishing on the lower river and fishing on the
upper river, handled by the Oykel Bridge Hotel, is also popular. Loch
Ailsh is owned and managed by the Assynt Estate, along with part of the
upper river.
River Oykel Fishing Map

click on map to select an area to enlarge The maps on this website have been
reproduced with the permission of Collins Bartholomew. Please note that these maps may date back several decades.
Much of the human detail will have changed but the character of the rivers and
lochs, and the trout and salmon in them, will be much the same as they have
always been.
In addition to the information provided
here, I would recommend that anyone planning a fishing or
walking trip in Scotland should equip themselves with a compass
and the appropriate Ordnance Survey map. The most useful of the
O.S. maps for the fisherman is the Landranger series, scale
1:50,000. For each of the lochs and rivers listed here, I have given the
relevant O.S. Map number.
Survey Maps |