Salmon Fishing - River Torridon and River Balgy Scotland
O. S. Map 24
The River Torridon is an attractive Wester Ross spate river,
only four miles long, flowing from Lochan an Iasgair to Loch
Torridon, with easy access from the adjacent road. Salmon
can be caught from July onwards, given rain, and up to
thirty or so fish might be caught before the season's end in
September. To the west, the River Balgy is another short
river with runs of salmon and a few sea trout.
On the River Torridon, the sea trout have all but
disappeared, although Lochan an Iasgair, once famous for its
large sea trout, still produces the odd sea trout over 4
pounds. The loch is best fished from a boat. I have been
unable to get any up to date information about fishing
availability or permits.
The River
Balgy and Loch Damph
The Balgy is a short
river of only a mile, flowing from the northern end of Loch
Damph and entering Loch Torridon to the east of Shieldaig.
Salmon, averaging 7 pounds or so, run the river from June,
with something over fifty being taken each season. Loch
Damph used to be famous for its sea trout but the sea trout
are now scarce. Rods on the river may be available from the
Tigh an Eilean Hotel, Shieldaig.

River Balgy and Loch Damph