Black & Yellow Needle Tube Fly

Needle Tubes and Tube Flies

Step by Step dressing of this ultra slim sea trout needle tube fly

by John Gray


A slim and simply dressed tube fly for sea trout night fishing. It may also be used for salmon and steelhead.

Black and Yellow Tube Fly


Tube:40 mm long needle tube, outside diameter 1.5mm

Hackle: White Arctic Fox hair

Underwing: Yellow Arctic Fox hair with a few strands of Krystal Flash on top

Wing: Black Arctic Fox hair


Step 1: Secure needle tube in tube fly vice and lay a short bed of tying thread

Tying the Black and Yellow Needle Tube Fly


Step 2: Tie in a bunch of white Arctic Fox hair

Black and Yellow Needle Tube Fly


Step 3: Turn the vice through 180 degrees and tie in a bunch of yellow Arctic Fox hair and a few strands of Krystal Flash on top

Tying the sea trout Needle Tube Fly


Step 4: Tie in a bunch of Black Arctic Fox hair

Tying the Black and Yellow Needle Tube Fly


Step 5: trim ends, form a neat head and finish with three coats of Cellire No. 1 varnish

Black and Yellow Needle Tube Fly


Step 6: The finished fly - add a link of clear silicone tubing (bore 1.0mm) and a hook of choice

Black and Yellow Sea Trout Needle Tube Fly



Shortly after tying the above flies, I was out on the Spey on the night of 20th May, trying for a sea trout  .... and caught this eight pound salmon instead, at 11.30 pm in the dark!

Salmon needle tube fly


For more information on Salmon, Trout and Sea Trout Flies, see Trout and Salmon Flies

Book - Sea Trout Nights


 Salmon Spinhead


Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes





Grays of Kilsyth

Salmon Flies

Trout Flies

Sea Trout Flies

Tube Flies

The Tube Fly Shop

Salmon Fishing Scotland

Trout Fishing Scotland

Sea Trout Fishing

Sea Trout Fishing Book


 Slim stainless steel salmon and sea trout flies







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Trout and Salmon Fishing