Step by Step tying of a Ruddy Buck salmon needle tube fly
by John Gray
This fly is similar to the famous
Willie Gunn
tube fly,
dressed on a stainless steel needle tube. It is tied using
three colours of bucktail, the combination giving a reddish
appearance, hence the name, Ruddy Buck. The following images
illustrate the simple step by step tying sequence.
The Ruddy Buck Salmon Tube Fly
tube: stainless steel needle tube, 25 to 30 mm long, diameter 1.8mm
wing: yellow, red and brown bucktail with a few stands of Krystal Flash
For more information, see
Gray's Needle Tubes
Step 1 - Place needle tube in
fly vice
and wind a short
bed of black tying thread.
Step 2 - Tie in a bunch of yellow hair on top of the
Step 3 - Rotate the vice head 180 degrees and tie in a bunch
of yellow bucktail on the opposite side to the first.
Step 4 - Tie in a few strands of Krystal Flash.
Step 5 -Tie in a bunch of red bucktail top and bottom over
the yellow bucktail.
Step 6 - Tie in a bunch of brown bucktail top and bottom
over the red bucktail, form a neat head and apply two coats of Cellire No.
1 varnish.
The Ruddy Buck Tube Fly
The Ruddy Buck Needle Tube Fly with treble hook
For more information on Salmon, Trout and Sea
Trout Flies, see
Trout and Salmon Flies |
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor
The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of
Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes