The Spring Green Tube Fly

Needle Tubes and Tube Flies

Step by Step tying of the Spring Green salmon needle tube fly

by John Gray

Below is a step-by-step tying sequence of a salmon tube fly dressed on a fine stainless steel needle tube. It has been dressed in line with the modern style of long tailed shrimp flies such as Ally Gowans's famous Cascade salmon fly. It is tied with early season salmon fishing in mind and I have called it the Spring Green.


The Spring Green Salmon Tube Fly

The Spring Green Tube Fly


tube: 15mm - I have used a stainless steel needle tube diameter 1.8mm
tail: mixed white/light green fox with two strands olive Krystal Flash
body: front - wound olive Krystal Flash, short
wing: brown bucktail with two strands olive Krystal Flash
hackles: brown over fluorescent yellow

For more information, see Gray's Needle Tubes


Step 1 - Place needle tube in tube fly vice and wind a bed of black tying thread about one third of the way along.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 1


Step 2 - Tie in a sparse bunch of white Arctic Fox.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 2


Step 3 - Rotate the vice through 180 degrees and tie in a sparse but slightly longer bunch of white Arctic Fox.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 3


Step 4 - Tie in a sparse bunch of light green Arctic Fox and a doubled strand of olive green Krystal Flash.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 4


Step 5 - Wind a short body of olive green Krystal Flash. This may be coated with clear varnish, superglue or epoxy for durability.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 5


Step 6 - Tie in a wing of brown bucktail plus a doubled strand of olive Krystal Flash.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 6


Step 7 - Tie in a fluorescent yellow hackle.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 7


Step 8 - Wind two or three turns of the yellow hackle.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 8


Step 9 - Wind two or three turns of brown hackle in front of the yellow, form a neat head and apply two coats of Cellire No. 1 varnish.

The Spring Green Tube Fly Step 9

Book - Sea Trout Nights



The Spring Green Needle Tube Fly

The Spring Green Tube Fly


A slight variation on the above theme .....

Substituting orange for brown in the hackle creates a fly with quite a different appearance, a much brighter fly as in the example below.


The Bright Spark

Bright Spark Tube Fly


For more information on Salmon, Trout and Sea Trout Flies, see Trout and Salmon Flies


 Salmon Spinhead


Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes





Grays of Kilsyth

Salmon Flies

Trout Flies

Sea Trout Flies

Tube Flies

The Tube Fly Shop

Salmon Fishing Scotland

Trout Fishing Scotland

Sea Trout Fishing

Sea Trout Fishing Book


 Slim stainless steel salmon and sea trout flies






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Trout and Salmon Fishing