Sea Trout Fishing on the River Spey

Needle Tubes and Tube Flies

A few summer sea trout nights on the Spey at Grantown

by John Gray

The Spey is justly famous for its salmon fly fishing. Some of the best salmon fly water, and some of the most expensive, can be found on the renowned beats on the lower half of the river. For those of us with a passion for sea trout night fishing, the best of the fishing lies on the beats on the upper middle Spey, above Grantown. Much of the sea trout and salmon fishing on this section of the Spey is controlled by local associations and day, weekly and season permits are available from the angling associations based in Grantown and Boat of Garten.

I took a weekly permit for the third week in June 2008 on the Grantown water. I was fortunate to find the river running at a good sea trout height of two inches above summer level and, although night temperatures were lower than I would wish, I had a couple of very productive nights on the river, with six sea trout landed and many more hooked and lost. All sea trout were returned safely to continue their journey to the redds later in the year.

Here are a few photographs taken during the week ......

See also Tube Flies


A Sea Trout Pool ......

Summer Sea Trout Pool


The fish, one of six sea trout taken in two nights fishing ......

Spey Sea Trout


Another Spey sea trout ......

Sea Trout Fishing on the River Spey


All fish were taken on simply dressed Needle Tube Flies ....

Grays Needle Tube Fly


A few more needle tubes ......

Sea Trout Needle Tube Flies

For more about the flies shown, see Grays Needle Tubes


Book - Sea Trout Nights



For more information on sea trout fishing on the River Spey see Spey Sea Trout Fishing


For map and photographs of all the Grantown Association Pools see:

Grantown Angling Association Pool Photographs


 Salmon Spinhead


Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes





Grays of Kilsyth

Salmon Flies

Trout Flies

Sea Trout Flies

Tube Flies

The Tube Fly Shop

Salmon Fishing Scotland

Trout Fishing Scotland

Sea Trout Fishing

Sea Trout Fishing Book


 Slim stainless steel salmon and sea trout flies





The Spinhead ] The Needle Fly 2 ] The Needle Fly 3 ] Grays Needle Tubes ] Needle Tube Flies ] Micro Tubes ] Tube flies ] sea trout fishing ] Linked Tube Flies ] Bead Tube Flies ] Flug ] Endrick Sea Trout ] An August Night ] The Sea Trout Fisher ] The Muckle Saumon ] stocking ] religion ] Brown Trout or Sea Trout ] Magus fly ] sea trout decline ] sea trout river ] Memories ] needle shrimp ] fly lines ] spey cast ] spey sea trout ] hill walk ] highland river ] corrie loch ] grays loop ] wading stick ] Inverness fishing ] Aberlour Fishing ] [ Sea Trout ] Avon sea trout ] steelies ] cascade tube flies ] steelhead needle tubes ] tube fly vise ] needle tube fish ] blackback tube flies ] catch and release ] salmon fly hooks ] Spey salmon and sea trout ] needle tube fly or waddington ] fiery cascade tube fly ] black & silver tube fly ] scottish shrimp flies ] river spey photographs ] wee monkey tube flies ] Irish shrimp tube fly ] cascade step-by-step ] stoats tail ] spring tube flies ] River Nairn ] Mallard & Silver Fly ] black & yellow tube fly ] salmon needle fly ] River Dulnain ] sea trout fly ] Loch Fly ] Willie Gunn tube fly ] black & pink fly ] upside down flies ] magus shrimp fly ] dusty miller fly ] spring green tube fly ] ruddy buck tube fly ] beltra badger tube fly ] minitube flies ] snake tube flies ] summer shrimp flies ] night tube fly ] skye ] lammas shrimp fly ] salmon tingler ] salmon shrimps ] salmon fly depth ] yelly belly shrimp fly ]

Trout and Salmon Fishing