Favourite Game Fishing Books
If you can't get out fishing, the
next best thing is
to read about it. Fortunately, fishing writers have
been prolific over the centuries and there is no
shortage of books on our favourite subject. Of
particular interest, perhaps, are those written
during the past century. For my own part, it is the
books on the subject of fly fishing, for trout,
salmon and sea trout, which hold the most interest.
I list here a selection of some of my favourite
fishing books. Some provide instruction, others
inspiration. Some are simply a good read.
Unfortunately, many are now out of print and can
only be obtained from second hand book dealers. Many, however, are
still available, either new or used, from Amazon.
General Fly Fishing Books
Negley Farson -
"Going Fishing"
Tales of fishing and adventure in the early part of the
century from a well travelled fishing journalist. The book conveys a
true feel for the places and people he encountered in his travels from
the Scottish Hebrides to the South American Andes.
W. B. Currie - "Days and Nights of Game
A collection of essays drawn from
the author's wide ranging experience, from sea trout
fishing on the Shiel and Spey to brown trout on the
lochs of Mull to salmon fishing on the Helmsdale, Tay
and Tweed. A thoroughly enjoyable read |
C. F. Walker (editor) 1963 -
"The Complete Fly-Fisher"
The editor brought together some excellent contributors,
including "Jock Scott" (salmon, F. W. Holiday (sea
trout), Oliver Kite (Chalk streams), E. Horsfall Turner
(Rain fed rivers) and H. A. Oatts (Loch trout) to
produce this comprehensive survey of all aspects of fly
fishing in the early sixties.
Peter Lapsley (editor) 1990
"The Complete Fly-Fisher"
Produced in the same style as the sixties
version with a new team of writers, including Neil
Graesser (salmon), Moc Morgan (sea trout), Mike Weaver
(rain fed rivers), Peter O'Reilly (loch and lough
fishing), Peter Lapsley (lakes and reservoirs) and
Charles Jardine (fly casting).
Trout Fishing Books
Bruce Sandison
- "Trout Lochs of Scotland"
Well researched and written guide to the varied trout
fishing available on the Scottish lochs. With thousands
of lochs to choose from, not an easy task. An excellent
starting point for anyone planning a fishing holiday in
M. McLaren and W.B. Currie -
"The Fishing Waters of Scotland"
A good illustrated companion for the travelling
fisherman, written by two well known authors who between
them have fished many of the Scottish waters listed.
Describing a representative selection of the wide
variety of fishing available, the experience of the
authors is evident throughout.
T. K. Wilson
"Trout by All Means"
As the title suggests, all methods of catching trout are
comprehensively covered, be it fly, worm, minnow or creeper (gadger).
Not one for the purist! His wide experience and common sense are in
evidence throughout.
A great little book by a thoroughly
down to earth, practical fisherman. |
"A Fly Fisher's Life" by Charles Ritz
"the art and mechanics of fly fishing",
with great detail on the technical aspects of rod building and fly
casting, written by a man who devoted much of his life to fly fishing
and who had access to some of the very best fishing waters.
Tom Stewart -
"Two Hundred Popular Flies" 1979
omnibus edition of the four volumes of "Fifty Popular
Flies", produced in response to public demand for
the republication of articles which appeared in "Trout
and Salmon" without interruption from the late fifties
until the author's untimely death in 1975.
John Gierach
"Trout Bum"
One of Gierach's early works, this is a more
contemporary, often humorous, view of Fly fishing from a self-confessed
"trout bum" based in Colorado. For him fly fishing is not simply a
passion, more a way of life. A thoroughly good read. |
A. Courtney Williams - "A Dictionary of
Trout Flies"
This dictionary, first published in
1949, contains a wealth of information on the natural
flies that make up the trout's diet and their artificial
dressings, with a section on more modern dressings by T.
Donald Overfield. Colour plates showing 60 of the most
popular patterns.
Salmon and Sea Trout Fishing Books
D. Mills and N. Graesser - "The Salmon
Rivers of Scotland" First
published in 1981, this book examines the salmon bearing
rivers of Scotland in some detail, with useful
information on river character, where and when to fish,
methods of fishing and availability, featuring detailed
maps of the main Scottish river systems.
John Ashley-Cooper
"The Great Salmon Rivers of
Well written by an
acknowledged expert of wide experience, giving
comprehensive coverage, through excellent maps and
illustration, of the character of our four major salmon
rivers - Dee, Spey, Tay and Tweed, and the methods
employed on them. |
Hugh Falkus -
"Sea Trout Fishing"
The most complete book on sea trout fishing I have read,
combining practical instruction with fascinating anecdote. A must
for anyone interested in catching sea trout. You will be drawn back time
and again for its wealth of knowledge and inspiration. A true classic.
Hugh Falkus - "Salmon Fishing"
"Salmon Fishing" is a worthy sequel to "Sea
Trout Fishing", again based on the author's acute observation, original
thinking and exceptional writing ability, giving an authoritative
and comprehensive analysis of the sport of salmon fishing and the
techniques required for success. An excellent practical guide.
F. W. Holiday
"River Fishing for Sea Trout " 1960
good grounding in the tackle and techniques of sea trout
fishing in the days of split cane rods and silk lines,
based on the author's experience of Welsh sewin
Dr Peter Coates - "Salmon"
A look at the biological, historical and
cultural impact of the king of fish, the salmon. In a
series of six chapters, Dr Coates highlights the
importance of the salmon, including its culinary and
sporting significance throughout the northern hemisphere
from Canada to Kamchatka. |
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of
Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes