How the Weather Affects our Fishing
Fishing success on river and loch often depends on the
right fishing weather..... while the wrong kind of fishing weather provides
us with a ready excuse on those all too frequent days when we are
not as successful as we would like.....
But what
kind of weather is "fishing weather"? How does weather affect the
fisherman? There is a general perception among non fishers that the
fishing will be good when it is raining. Perhaps we fishermen have
ourselves to blame for this misconception, brought about by our most
earnest prayers to the rain gods throughout the summer months. Those of
us who fish our rivers, particularly for salmon, are certainly reliant
on frequent rain to swell the rivers and encourage fresh fish to run in
from the sea.
So, fairly obviously, our rivers need rain on a regular
basis if they are to fish well. During the fishing season, we keep a
close eye on the weather forecasts for any hint of rain. A good downpour
up in the hills might just produce a spate on our local river, perhaps
enough to bring in a few fresh fish. Few fish will be caught at the
height of the spate but, if we can arrange to be on the river at the
right time, when the spate begins to run off and the water begins to
clear, we will be in with a good chance of a fish, for, of all the
factors influencing our success with salmon, and, to a lesser extent,
sea trout, the height of the river is often the crucial element. If the
river is too low or too high, even the most expert among us might
struggle to catch a fish. This dependence on river levels, of course,
provides the less expert among us with a ready excuse for an empty bag.
In addition to our modern addiction to the television weather channels, and, more recently, weather websites, fishermen in
Scotland are fortunate to have access to information on river levels
through the excellent Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
website, which displays accurate graphical readings of the levels of
most of our rivers, updated on a daily basis. A check on the SEPA
website (see link below) on the morning of a river fishing outing
would now be standard procedure for most of us. The Environment
Agency now provide similar information on river levels in England and
Wales (see link below)
Having said that, it is not unusual, even with the
river at a "perfect" height, for a salmon fisherman to return home from
a day on the river with nothing to show for his efforts. I suppose that
is half the attraction, the uncertainty of it all, for success in salmon
fishing so often depends on the interaction of a whole host of things,
all coming together in the right way at the right time. Predicting when
and where conditions will be right is not easy. A barely detectable
change in atmospheric conditions might be enough to change our fortunes.
A glimpse of sunshine on a dull day; a slight rise in barometric
pressure; a drop in wind strength; a change in wind direction; the
passing of a thunderstorm; a rise of a degree or two in air or water
temperature; a change of light; any of these might be enough to bring a
salmon "on the take". We must be alert to any such change if we are to
make the most of our chances. Of course, the constant changes in
atmospheric conditions might be so subtle as to be imperceptible. What
this means for most of us is that the secret in catching salmon or sea
trout is application and perseverance. We know that, eventually, we will
be rewarded for "good attendance".
Similarly, the trout fisherman drifting the loch might
look for a steady westerly breeze and a bit of cloud on a mild day. A
flat calm is of little use on a highland loch. A cold, gusting wind,
bringing squally showers from the east or north will also make for
difficult fishing. Like the salmon fisher, the trout man has no shortage
of excuses for an empty basket, due one day to a bright sun, the next to
no sun at all; often a cold wind will be to blame and, just as often,
the absence of it; sometimes the water temperature will be too cold, at
other times too warm. Just occasionally, though, the trout fisherman
will have no need of an excuse, on those rare days when temperature,
wind, sun and cloud combine to create the perfect day, when trout fight
to get at the fly and he comes home at the end of the day with a few
trout for breakfast. It is on those days that the fisherman will
congratulate himself on his wise choice of recreation.
See the links below for useful
information on moon phases, tide times, water levels on Scottish rivers (SEPA
website) and English and Welsh rivers (EA website) and for weather forecasts. After all, you can never
have too many weather forecasts...... you never know, one of them might
get it right!
Useful Resources for the Fisherman

click logo to
check levels of Scottish rivers

Click Logo for river levels in England and Wales
of high and low tide times throughout the UK can be viewed at

click logo for the BBC weather

click logo for the Met Office