Fishing in Scotland

Grays Needle Tubes and Tube Flies

Articles, maps and information on brown trout, sea trout and salmon fishing in Scotland

The purpose of this website is to offer information about trout, salmon and sea trout fishing in Scotland. The main sections of the site focus on Scottish game fishing for salmon, sea trout and brown trout on the lochs and rivers throughout Scotland. Resources include over 1000 detailed maps of the major trout lochs and salmon and sea trout rivers, based on the Bartholomew half inch map series covering the whole of Scotland.

Where to fish in Scotland


Where to Fish in Scotland

The three main parts of the website are devoted to our three major freshwater game fish - salmon, sea trout and brown trout - featuring detailed maps of the major salmon and sea trout fishing rivers and the main trout fishing centres throughout Scotland.

Salmon Fishing in Scotland - Where to fish for Scottish salmon with maps of 75 Scottish salmon fishing rivers

Sea Trout Fishing in Scotland - Where to fish for Scottish sea trout with maps of the main Scottish sea trout fishing rivers and lochs

Trout Fishing in Scotland - Where to fish for Scottish trout with maps of the main trout lochs and rivers of Scotland

Salmon Fishing in Scotland

Salmon Fishing in Scotland


Sea Trout Fishing in Scotland


Trout Fishing in Scotland

Book - Sea Trout Nights



Trout Loch Fishing

Forsinard Flyfishers Club

A new fly fishing club formed recently to enhance the fishing opportunities available in the Strath Halladale area for the local community and visiting anglers.

Membership is open to all, with initial membership fees kept as low as possible. Seasonal membership is very reasonably priced, which covers all bank fishing with no further cost, although fishing sessions must be booked on individual lochs online via the website. The 41 lochs available for members to bank fish represent amazing value and fantastic variety. Boats are available for members on 10 lochs with a minimal charge applying.

Fishing is by fly and fly rod only.

Salmon Spinhead


Grays of Kilsyth

Salmon Flies

Trout Flies

Sea Trout Flies

Tube Flies

The Tube Fly Shop

Salmon Fishing Scotland

Trout Fishing Scotland

Sea Trout Fishing

Sea Trout Fishing Book

 Slim stainless steel salmon and sea trout flies


Online Fly Shop



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Trout and Salmon Fishing