Step by Step tying of a Lammas Shrimp salmon needle tube fly
by John Gray
Below is a step-by-step tying sequence of the
Lammas Shrimp salmon fly,
in this instance a tube fly dressed on a fine stainless steel needle
tube, although it may also be dressed on a hook or other
tube. Dressed loosely in the Irish style, it is intended, as
the name suggests, for late summer fishing. It accounted for
a few salmon in September.
The Lammas Shrimp Salmon Tube Fly

hook or tube: I have used a stainless steel needle
tube, length 15mm, diameter 1.5mm
tail/underwing: golden pheasant breast feather with a
few strands Krystal Flash
body: bare silver needle tube to the rear of the
hackles: three hackles - fluorescent pink under hot
orange under black
Tying the Lammas Shrimp
Step 1 - Place needle tube in
fly vice
and wind a bed
of red tying thread about half way along.

Step 2 - Tie in a golden pheasant breast feather of
appropriate size.

Step 3 - Wind the GP feather and secure.

Step 4 - Add a few strands of pearl Krystal Flash (optional).

Step 5 - Tie in pink fluorescent cock feather.

Step 6 - Wind two or three turns of the pink hackle and

Step 7 - Tie in a hot orange cock hackle in front of the
pink hackle.

Step 8 - Wind two or three turns of the hot orange hackle in front of
the pink hackle.

Step 9 - Do a whip finish with the red thread, trim and tie
in black tying thread.

Step 10 - Tie in a black hackle.

Step 11 - Wind two or three turns of black hackle, form a
neat head and apply three coats of varnish.
The Lammas Shrimp Needle Tube

Lammas Shrimp Tube Fly with silicone sleeve and double hook

A Pair of Lammas Shrimps

For more information on Salmon, Trout and Sea
Trout Flies, see
Trout and Salmon Flies