Step by Step tying of a very simple and effective Scottish loch trout fly
by John Gray
This simple wee fly is rarely off my cast
when fishing the Scottish lochs. It is a pink-tailed variant
of the Zulu/Pennell. I generally dress it as a simple spider
in the smallest sizes and palmered in the larger sizes. It
can be fished from the start to the end of the season in
sizes 14 to 10 according to conditions.
The Loch Fly

hook: size 14 to 10 wet fly
tail: pink fluorescent floss
rib: fine oval silver tinsel or wire
body: black thread, floss, wool or seal's fur
body hackle: black hen
hackle: black hen
Step 1 - Place hook in vice and wind a bed of black tying
thread to the tail end.

Step 2 - Tie in a doubled length of fluorescent pink floss.
It can be trimmed to length now or later. I have left it
untrimmed for now.

Step 3 - Tie in a length of fine oval silver tinsel or wire
and wind thread evenly back up the hook shank.

Step 4 - Tie in a black hen hackle.

Step 5 - Wind hen hackle to the tail, secure with oval
tinsel and wind the tinsel through the hackle back to the
head of the fly.

Step 6 - Trim the tinsel and tie in a
second hen hackle. I have also now trimmed the tail to my
desired length.

Step 7 - Wind about three turns of hackle
at the head, form a neat head and apply one or two coats of
Cellire No. 1 varnish.