Step by Step tying of the Magus Shrimp salmon needle tube fly
by John Gray
Below is a step-by-step tying sequence of a
variant of the
Magus Salmon Fly, which I first used on the
River Endrick in 1989, where it accounted for a few salmon and sea
trout. Since then, the fly has taken a number of salmon from
rivers as varied as the Earn, Ruchill, Teith, Allan, Alness,
Borgie and
Dee, and probably a good many more. Intended originally as a
tenuous representation of the prawn, Parapandulus richardi, as
illustrated in "Salmon Fishing" by Hugh Falkus, the Magus has
been modified over the years. I have adapted this dressing for
tying on a tube, specifically a slim stainless steel needle
Tying the Magus Shrimp Salmon Tube Fly

tube: stainless steel needle tube 15mm long, diameter 1.5mm
tail hackle: fluorescent pink
tail: black squirrel with a few strands of
flashy material
body: black with silver rib
wing: black squirrel with a short post of
fluorescent pink floss on top (optional)
hackle: fluorescent pink under black
Step 1 - Place needle tube in
fly vice
and wind a
bed of black tying thread about half way along.

Step 2 - Tie in three turns of fluorescent cock hackle.

Step 3 - Tie in a bunch of black squirrel hair plus a few strands of
flashy material to taste. I have used pearl Krystal Flash
and pink Maraglit.

Step 4 - Form a short body of black thread and rib with oval
silver tinsel.

Step 5 - Tie in a wing of black squirrel and a short post of
fluorescent floss over (optional).

Step 6 - Tie in a fluorescent pink hackle.

Step 7 - Tie in a black hackle in front of the pink, form a
neat head and finish with two or three coats of Cellire No.
1 varnish.

The Magus Shrimp Tube Fly

For more information on Salmon, Trout and Sea
Trout Flies, see
Trout and Salmon Flies |