Simple shrimp flies for spate stream salmon fishing
by John Gray
Shown below are a few
salmon shrimp flies.
Dressed simply on single hooks, they are intended for salmon
spate streams, to be fished singly or as a cast of two.
Flies dressed on single hooks are useful as dropper flies,
fished in conjunction with another single or perhaps a
tube fly on the tail.
The Magus

hook: Drennan Starpoint Specimen
hook, size 6
tail: Indian cock feather, dyed claret
body: bare black nickel hook
hackles: three hackles - fluorescent pink under
magenta under black
The Harvest Shrimp

hook: Drennan Starpoint Specimen
hook, size 6
tail: Indian cock feather, dyed claret
body: bare black nickel hook
hackles: two hackles - fluorescent orange under dark
hot orange
The above flies have been dressed on
Drennan Starpoint specimen hooks ... and interesting design,
intended to give more efficient and secure hooking, as
described on the hook packet shown below.

More Spate Stream Salmon Shrimps
These patterns, one on a single as illustrated and the
other dressed on a needle tube, accounted for two September
grilse from the Nairn Angling Association water of the River
Nairn soon after being tied....
click images to enlarge

One on the Harvest Shrimp

One on a Magus Needle Tube Fly

River Nairn at Dalcross