Tandem tube flies for salmon & sea trout
In the article,
Micro Tube
Flies, we looked at the possibility of utilising the finest metal tubing
available, i.e. stainless steel hypodermic needle tubing, for making extremely
fine and slim tube flies for salmon and, particularly, sea trout fishing. We
chose 19 gauge stainless tubing to make slim tube flies with an outside diameter
of 1.1 mm. It is possible, by using 20 gauge tubing, to make tubes
with an outside diameter of less than one millimetre, as in the examples below, but
anything narrower would, I think, be impractical. Only by using
needles is
it possible to create slimmer fishing flies.
These micro tubes can, of course be made in
various lengths, depending on the quarry and prevailing river conditions. These
very slim tube flies also lend themselves very well to being used in tandem, one
linked behind the other to create a longer, but still very slim, fly for use in
salmon or sea trout fishing.
The photographs below shows a few slim and
fairly sparsely dressed micro tube flies, which might be suitable for use as a
night time sea trout fly or as a summer salmon fly.
Assorted Micro Tube

The tubes shown above can be linked together very simply by a length of
silicone rubber, the same kind of tubing we use to secure the small treble at
the rear of the single fly, to create a longer tandem tube fly, which might be
useful in the colder water common at the beginning and end of the fishing
season, or in higher water conditions in summer.

Linked Micro Tube Flies
In conditions of high, coloured water, these
slim tube flies can be fished behind a
Spinhead, as shown below. See
Tube Flies and, for supplies of fine silicone and PVC tubing, see
Tube Fly Tubing

Micro Tubes with
Spinheads fitted to
the front, creating
in effect a kind of
mini Flying C which,
taking sensible
safety precautions,
may be cast
effectively on a
double handed salmon
fly rod
See also
How to make a knot
guard (or swing
tube) for a Free Swinging Tube
Fly Hook
more fishing

Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of
Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes