Pictures of the River Dulnain, Spey tributary, in June
by John Gray

The photographs shown below were taken
along the banks of the River Dulnain, a major Spey
tributary, in the summer of
2010, in low water conditions. The photographs show the
character of parts of the upper, middle and lower River
Dulnain, on the twelve miles of fishing managed by the Strathspey
Angling Improvement Association, based in Grantown on Spey.
The Dulnain is a useful spawning stream, the main salmon
run generally occurring during the last few weeks of the
season, in September. Sea trout also run the River
Dulnain from June onwards and may be taken during the day on a falling
spate or on night fly once the river has cleared - a useful alternative
when the main river is running too high for night fly fishing. The
Dulnain also holds some good wild brown trout. To view the full size pictures of the
photographs of the Dulnain, click on the individual images. The
enlarged photographs will appear in a new window.

River Dulnain, Inverlaidnan

River Dulnain, Sluggan Bridge

A middle pool
on the Dulnain

River Dulnain
in June

River Dulnain
in summer

Streamy water
on the Dulnain

River Dulnain,
Spey Tributary

The middle
River Dulnain

A run
below Carrbridge |

A middle pool
above Dulnain Bridge

Dulnain after a long dry spell

Above Dulnain

River Dulnain
from Dulnain Bridge

The lower River Dulnain

Approaching the
See also:
Grantown Angling Association Pool Photographs
Grays Tube Fly Adaptor

The new Tube fly adaptor from Grays of
Kilsyth complete with 25 assorted needle tubes