A selection of Wee Monkeys dressed on Gray's Needle Tubes
by John Gray

Selection of Wee Monkeys
salmon tube fly has gained
popularity in recent years on Scottish salmon fishing rivers. Originally dressed
using monkey hair, this tube fly has caught the imagination of salmon
fishers and fly tyers and has spawned numerous variants, such as
those illustrated below. The salmon tube flies shown here have been
dressed, using Arctic fox hair, on ultra slim stainless steel needle
tubes, made in Scotland by Grays of Kilsyth. The needle tubes offer
an alternative to the conventional
salmon fly tying tubes, allowing the fly dresser to create a
range of tube flies of varying length and weight, a bit heavier than the
conventional plastic and aluminium tubes , yet lighter, and slimmer,
than the traditional brass and copper tube flies.
Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly - Yellow

Tube: 15 mm Gray's needle tube
Cock hackle about 2cms long
short bunch of Arctic fox
hair about 3 cms long
Wing: Longer Arctic fox hair
(about 5-6 cms) with a few stands of Krystal Flash under
Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly - Green

Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly - Orange

Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly - Dee

Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly - Blue

Wee Monkey Salmon Tube Fly - Pink

See also
How to make a knot guard (or swing tube) for a Free Swinging Tube
Fly Hook
For more information on Grays Needle Tubes, see
and Salmon Flies |